Self Doubt

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I just, I just don't know anymore.
Everything I do,
Everything I say,
Everything I think,
I second guess myself.

In school it's the worst. Everyone around me understands what the teacher is talking about, everyone knows what to do while I'm sitting in the back row, with no idea what is happening. I guess I'm not smart enough.

Or am I smart enough.

That's the thing about self doubt, you over think some of the most simple things when it gets to a point where you believe you can't do something or can't achieve your goals and aspirations.

I don't know though, there's so much I want to achieve but deep down I know I'm not smart enough to, but there's nothing that's stopping me from being able to learn.
Besides one thing..

Self doubt & second guessing my choices is what is stopping me from achieving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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