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For a long time now, I've wanted to start a blog. But there was one tiny problem - I didn't know where.

Then it occurred to me that I should start in a place that I spent all of my middle school years on. And, of course, that place was Wattpad. What you all have to know is that I'm a sort of 'Wattpad veteran.' Like most of you, I spent countless hours writing on this site, making numerous covers for my stories, and constantly published and unpublished my chapters in hopes of getting reads. But that was already almost 4 years ago. I haven't been on this site since then.

But that's about to change. I wanted to come back because I missed writing, and I missed the sensation of having people read my stories, comment on them, rate them, etc. But I don't feel like writing stories, I truly don't.

College is coming up, so this is the time in my life for when I have to make big decisions. Luckily, I've already made one - I want to become a journalist.

It's a very competitive field, so I have to obtain all the experience I can get. That is partly why I am making this blog. Another reason why I'm making this blog is to benefit you.

Yes you.

This won't be a blog in which I constantly talk about myself and pour all my personal events to you. That being said, I will talk about myself and my experiences from time to time, just not always. My main goal is to help you. Here's how -

I'm going to post something daily, but every day is going to be something different.

Monday - I'll introduce you to a music group, whether they're really popular or they're only heard on Spotify. You guys can also give me suggestions for which artist I'll choose next.

Tuesday - I'll introduce you to a TV show. They will either be found on Netflix or they will be currently airing on television. Again, suggestions are also encouraged.

Wednesday - This will be the day where I will introduce you to new celebrities. We often know about world famous celebrities by the movies they star in or the outfits they wear on the red carpet, but I want people to truly learn about the celebrities we idolize, as well as acquire a knowledge of the unknown celebrities that we have seen act in a movie or two but never really knew who they were.

Thursday - I'll introduce you to a travel destination. We've all heard of Paris, New York, Tokyo, and Sydney, but there are literally hundreds of other cities in the world with rich cultures, savory cuisines, and breath taking views, and I will show them to you. I'll also include some traveling tips (which I've gained from experience).

Friday - Like any other blog, some advice column has to be involved. Send me any questions you want to be answered to my email (you can choose to be named or anonymous), and it can literally be about anything. Ask me about how high school is like. Ask me how to deal with over protective parents. Ask me about how to know when your friend is not really a true friend. ANYTHING at all, I can assure you, I will be able to help you with it.

Saturday - On this day of the week, there will be book suggestions 

For book suggestions, I want to try and submit books that aren't on the New York Times best sellers because there are honestly so many hidden gems in book stores that are often over looked. Suggestions in the comments are a MUST because I want to start reading new books that I've never heard of in my life

Sunday - On this day of the week, I will also alternate, but with either movie suggestions or experiences of mine.

The movies can either be from the 1970's or currently in the movie theater. I will try to include every genre, and if anyone comments movie suggestions, I will try my hardest to watch them and to write about them.

As for experiences of mine, they can range from my travels, some of my problems that some of you might relate to, and my experiences of meeting celebrities. I live in Miami Florida, so I thankfully get many opportunities to meet celebrities and go to fan events and concerts. I can write about them and give you some tips for when it comes to meeting your idol.

And there you have it, the whole week. For how long I'll be doing this blog, I don't know. But starting tomorrow, I will be fully dedicated to uploading daily. Sound interesting? Sound boring? Comment about it down below, and don't forget to subscribe.

Hope to see you soon


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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