Chapter 1: So I Am The New Girl Now

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Hey I'm Alice, Alice O'Dite. I've just moved from Frome, Scitlay to Monster High. Apparently I can be myself here without anyone judging me, or at least that's what this brochure says.

"Oh bye Alice I hope you have a great first day!" My mom shouts from the car. I turn around and give a fake smile and a thumbs up. Sure starting in the middle of the school year may seem strange, but doesn't every new kid start at a random time?

Anyway I'm supposed to meet the welcoming committee, the fear leading squad, oh yay, some air headed blondes who worry about if there's lipstick on their teeth.

As I walk up the steps I hear some boys whistle, I roll my eyes and keep moving forward. Soon this wear cat and her gang of two others, one blonde, one with black hair greet me.

"Cute skirt, where did you get it?" The one with short hair asks.

"When I was in Fearinzé." I say and she raises her brow, not understanding. "Fearlonce." I correct myself and she nods.

"So is that made of Scitalian leather?" The blonde one asks and I nod.

"Welcome to monster high, I'm Torelai." The one with short hair greets and I shake her hand.

"Torelai!" A girl shouts and I turn to see its a vampire. She's pretty short and is wearing a fear leader outfit, oh great she must be on the welcoming committee.

"Yes Draculaura?"

"What are you doing with the new girl?" Draculaura asks, wow was it that obvious I'm new?

"I'm just being friendly."

"You don't do anything friendly." A girl werewolf says.

"Um excuse but before the claws come out, where is the welcoming committee I was promised?" I ask and the fear leaders look at me.

"Ghoul, you're looking at them." Says a girl who looks like a zombie.

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