chapter 13: the way you make me feel

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Have you ever felt as soon as flake if you're in love but the other person isn't in love you wonder and wonder how he would stay with you if you were just as perfect type if you are the perfect girlfriend for him I saw all of the other day and we never saw him he just his eyes glisten it made me feel as if I was the only girl that he loved but then again mi he stares at every girl like that and it kills me I guess he doesn't understand how I really feel the other day I looked at him and said "I love you" and all he said is "yeah I know" I guess that's love for a guy but i guess its not if he really loves me he would have said I love you too well I guess this is just the end huh he's always acting like this now I don't know what to do I feel like I'm dying and nobody sees I'm screaming at the top of my lungs in the top of the room and nobody can hear me and nobody looks and looks up and the only face I see staring at me is both and all he does is look back down and continue I feel like I'm on the Titanic and I just want to jump overboard can just kill myself before the ship sinks I'd rather go alone then go down with the ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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