Digger's fossil find

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Digger dusted off the bones and wiped his forehead. He was looking for a Velociraptor fossil, but only found random items.

"Hey Digger! Check it out! I found a T-Rex skull!" Cobra, Digger's work partener, called.

"In a minute!" Digger called back.

Digger brushed off the last bone, and gasped.

"Cobra! I found something that will blow your mind!" Digger yelled.

Cobra ran towards Digger, then gasped at the sight of the skeleton. 

"A complete SandWing! But, dragons are only myths!" Cobra said.

"Well, on the first day, not a bad find! And, the Eye of Onyx. A perfect jewel!" Digger barked, taking the gem from the dragon's jaws.

(Digger's first fossil. Let's aim for, um, 3 votes? [no, I'm not a youtuber!])

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