Chapter 1-Sapphire

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"Do you wanna drive or me?" Jennifer asked me. I go to UCLA on a full scholarship. My roommate, Jennifer, forced me to go to this 5 Seconds of Summer concert so that we could "bond". "You should because you've lived in LA all your life, and I just moved from New York, so I'm not quite acclimated with the city yet." I replied, but it wasn't the complete truth. I wasn't acclimated with the city, but there is a thing called a GPS so I would be able to get there. I was really tired, and I didn't want to drive. I also planned on getting 'sick' while we were at the concert, so we'd have to go home.

I don't know what genre music this band would be playing, and they were extremely popular, so I figured pop music. I don't particularly like pop music. "Alright come on, so we don't get caught in traffic. But don't worry I have a back way." She said, fixing her long black hair into a ponytail with a shirt that had the 5 Seconds of Summer logo and jean shorts. She led me out to her Range Rover and I got in.

"Do you wanna hear some of their songs so you don't seem completely clueless when they make the fans sing?" She held up an album with four boys on the cover. I shrugged, which meant yes to Jennifer. She hit the power button on her radio and put in the disc. I sat back in the car seat and sighed as she chose the first song. "This one is American Idiot. It's a cover from a punk rock band called-" I interrupted her, "Green Day..I love this song. These boys have a great taste in music." She smiled and pressed play. I listened to them introduce the song live, then started singing along to the music. They changed a part of the song, so there would be no bad words, but I sang them anyways.

Before I knew it, I listened to the other songs by the boys and actually enjoyed them a bit. Jennifer had already pulled up to the arena that the concert was at and she sang along to the song currently playing. "Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught!" The song ended and Jennifer turned off the radio. "Come on, they opened the arena, so we can go in now."

We got out of the car and we saw other girls and some boys entering as well. They had posters under their arms and 5SOS merch on. I suddenly felt bad that I was the only one without something related to 5SOS. "Don't worry I have 4 jersey-like shirts, one for each boy, that you can borrow. You can choose which boy you want in the restroom. That's why we're going in early." She whispered in my ear, as we approached the huge building. She led me off to the side where the bathrooms were. "Which boy? I've gotta picture of them if you wanna see them." She asked opening her large handbag, pulling out a folded poster, and a set of four shirts. I grabbed the poster and unfolded it, looking at the extremely attractive boys. The one with the red hair caught my eyes quicker than the other, so I pointed at him. "That one." I commented, and she handed me a jersey with Clifford on it and the number 95 on them, which I guessed stood for the year he was born.

I walked into the bathroom and got into the only empty stall. I saw some feet next to me. The woman next to me had on some black high tops that looked very manly. "Hey, I like your shoes." I said, nudging her feet. "Uh..thanks." She whispered, sounded like a man disguising his voice. I hurried up and changed shirts, so I could catch this 'woman' coming out of her stall. 'She' didn't budge for a long time, so I pretended to forget about it.

I flushed the toliet to make it seem more realistic. I walk to the sink and wash my hands and I see 'her' shuffle. I walked over to the door and hide behind the wall in front of it. I opened and closed the door, staying where I am, then locking the door shut.

I heard the stall click open and a guy walks out. He had a similar hair style to the Clifford boy's hairstyle, just his was a blond color. He shoves his womenly clothes in his duffel bag, then turns around to face the door. I look at his face and he looks exactly like the Clifford boy.

"Excuse me, but I don't think you are in the proper restroom, sir." I comment, revealing myself to him. "Why did I know you werent going to leave? After you nudged my shoes, I just knew you wouldn't leave!" He huffed, pulling something out of his duffel bag. It was a sliver roll of duct tape. "Alright, not fangirl and I wont use the tape...I have a secret entrance to get backstage and I have to take you with me now. Don't scream or fangirl, and I wont use the duct tape. Deal?" He speaks.

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