Part 1: When Will It Get Better?

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(Dan POV)

"Now don't forget class, that assignment is due tomorrow at the end of class." Our math teacher, Mr. Robinson, told us. I wasn't to thrilled about the assignment. I'm really bad at math and I don't understand all the long equations. Everyone in the classroom were talking quietly and I was just sitting there staring at them all. Pretty much everyone in this school hates me and thinks I'm a freak. I was sitting there daydreaming about everything. About school, my family, my little friend at home.

The bell rang loudly interrupting my thoughts. I gathered my books and went to my locker. My school is really boring. We have plain greyish-white coloured walls and old brown carpet. Every few feet there were posters that students have hung up advertising things. Most of them were for some Halloween party that was coming up in three weeks. I wasn't planning on going. I would just end up humiliating myself.

I reached my locker and unlocked it. I tossed my books in carelessly. My locker was a mess and there were crumpled papers, books, notebooks, and clothes for P.E. all tossed around in the bottom of my locker. I reached down and pulled out a notebook and a pencil. I slammed my locker shut and headed towards the cafeteria where everyone ate.

Everyone has there own table pretty much. I usually sit by myself at a table in the far corner. Each table has a different "group". The "popular" people sat together. The "nerds" were at a different table along with the "emo or goth" and the "friendly" people. I was sitting at the "no friends" table. The only person here was me.

I put in my earbuds and listened to music on my iPod. I set my notebook on the table in front of me and started drawing. I wasn't sure what I wanted to draw. Right now I was just doodling on the corner of the page. I thought I would just draw a person. But kind of like anime. I'm not sure why but I liked drawing people like that. I started drawing myself because I couldn't get any good ideas.

After about ten minutes of drawing I closed my notebook up and went on my iPod. I checked my Twitter and then went on YouTube to see if anyone I subscribed to put up any new videos. Nothing new on Twitter or YouTube. Put by notebook in my bag along with my iPod. By the way I carry my bag with me to all my classes because I keep most of my stuff in there. I got up from the table I was sitting at and stretched a little. I swung my bag onto my back and started walking.

I still had about 10 minutes until my next class and I'm a fast walker so I just planned on walking and sitting outside of the cafeteria. Unluckily, some idiot guys stop me. "Where do you think you're going?" The taller one asked me. There were two guys standing in front of me. One was a little taller than the other and had blonde hair. The other one was shorter and had brown hair.

"I-I was just going to... Go to the restroom." I replied nervously. The brown hair boy came closer to me and shoved me back. I stumbled but didn't fall. "Faggot!" They said over their shoulders as they walked away. The table that was closest to me, which was the "popular" people unfortunately, laughed and called me names. I ran out of that room and headed to the bathroom. I checked to make sure no one was in here but me. I stood in front of the mirror and wiped away the tears that fell down my cheeks. I cleaned my face so no one saw that I was crying.

I walked out of the bathroom and asked myself "When will it get better?" I continued walking to class. I was the first one into class as usual. I took my seat in the back corner. "Good afternoon Daniel." My history teacher Mrs. Shackle greeted me. "Hello." I mumbled back. I took out my history book as students flooded the room laughing and calling me names as they walked by. But I barely paid attention to them. I just sat there and listened to Mrs. Shackle lecture us.

I wish school was over. Or maybe I wish everything was over.

(A.N. Ok well I'm not sure if anyone reads these or not but anyways... Hi! This is my first Phan and I would appreciate it if you leave comments on how I could improve things. I hope you liked this first chapter and I will write as soon as I can.) ~Meowgravy

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