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Name: VasoAge: 15Favorite book: I'm struggling with that, uhm I guess all of them but I didn't like as much as the others 'An Abundance of Katherines' but I dont know. :(Relatable character: I suppose Quentin because I think I'm afraid of things such as life too. :)Nerdfighter material 1000% over here Why I want to join? Is it really necessary to ask? I love John. He is an amazing person and author. His thoughts have touched my heart and I can't even imagine how he could right so breathtaking things. Then he is an author but he reaches out to his readers. He does so many things for the world. How can one dislike him? I wish I could actually meet him and talk to him. I would hug him so tightly, one thanks isn't enough. He taught me how to love books and he made me wanna be an author too. I love John with all my heart. <3

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