Chapter 12

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Chester was discharged from the hospital. The doctor's told us to make sure he didn't try to talk or use his vocal cords at all whatsoever. It must be rough for him not being able to speak or sing for a while. When we got to his and Sam's home, he wrote that he wanted to sleep. Samantha swore to keep an eye over him and that she wasn't going anywhere and that Sean and I should go and get some fresh air and relax. We agreed and Sean, the guys, and I are currently having lunch at some low-key restaurant.

"Mike, stop worrying about Chester. He'll be fine." Phoenix said, seeming to see right through me. I couldn't help it, I'm always worried about him.

"I can't just turn it off, Phi. Too many people have hurt him." I replied with a long sigh.

"Nobody will hurt him again." He swore but I wasn't going to let my guard down. I didn't even want to leave him alone with Samantha. I don't trust her the slightest anymore. We weren't even gone for two hours when Sam called me.

"Hello? Sam? What's up? Is Chester okay?" I immediately asked, seeming to catch Sam off guard with all the questions. 

"Um, I mean... It's hard to explain. You should come back though and see for yourself." Was all she said before hanging up. I yanked out my wallet, took out two twenties, and slammed it on the table before taking off. Sean followed without hesitation, not needing an explanation, while the others watched us leave. Him and I piled into his car.

"To Chester?" He asked and I nodded. He slammed on his gas, sending my body back against the seat but I was incredibly grateful for that.

Not long later, we were at Sam's. We went inside as quickly as we could and to Chester's room. He was curled up in the corner of his bed, the sheets pulled just under his nose. He was trembling and clearly afraid of something. I went to him and put an arm securely around his thin frame. He held out his phone and gave it to Sean.

"...This is from Mark?" He asked, looking up to him. Chester nodded. "He isn't supposed to be out of jail yet."

"He was let out for fucking good behavior. After he texted Ches, he remembered."

"Remembered?" I echoed in a shaky voice. She nodded. I hugged him tightly. "What did the message say?"

"It said, 'Guess who? I'm back, Chazzy, and I haven't forgotten you! See you soon.' Should we call the police?" Sean said and Chester stiffened and shook his head. "What?! Why?"

He began writing on a piece of paper I gave to him and handed it to me.

"He said, 'It doesn't matter. There's nothing we can do.' Chester, you can't let him win. What do you remember?" I asked and he wrote again. "He said all of it."

"Everything?" Sean asked in a small voice and he nodded, his eyes tearing up. "Fuck. Mike, can I talk to you privately for a moment?"

"Sure. Sam, please hug him and don't let him go. He needs it." I said and she nodded, taking my place as I followed Sean. I looked back and saw Chester break down and cry silently into her shoulder. I had tears in my own eyes as we went into the other room. "What's up?"

"I didn't want to talk in front of him because I didn't want to scare him." He began as I dried my eyes. "We can't leave him for a second. He can't use his voice and if Mark knew, nothing would stop him from coming back. Same goes to John. If either of them knew, nothing could hold them back. We need to stick by him all day, everyday. Transfer him to your school and make sure he's in your classes. If he needs to leave the room or you do, you need to take each other. Don't tell Chester it's because of this, it'll scare him. Just tell him you're worried he'll try to hurt himself again."

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