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Part 1- The quotes.

1. It takes an athlete to dance but an artist to be a dancer.

2. I dance with my heart not my mind.

3. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's learning to dance in the rain.

4. I dance because there's no greater feeling in the world than dancing to a great piece of music and letting the rest of the world disappear.

5. We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create dreams.

Part 2- The Little Dancer Things

1. That moment you realize it's summer :(

2. You own 739263 tubes of red lipstick and your teacher wants pink this year.

3. When your teacher uses you as an example for something good.

4. Hearing music and automatically choreographing a dance.

5. When non-dancers think they can do tap by stomping there feet on the ground.

Part 3- The tips

1. Stretch... you know you have too. It will help your technique a lot.

2. go to class early to warm up and stretch. If you don't wam up or stretch you may hurt yourself.

3. Watch other dancers and use what you like or dislike about their dance and use it to help you.

4. Practice Practice Practice. If you practice what you weaker in then you'll get really good at it.

5. Set goals and reward yourself when you complete them. If you have something you want to get good a at set a goal to get it in a certain amount of days and if you'll have to try harder because you have to get that reward.

Oh snap you got 15 chapters in one... Hope you have enjoy.


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