The Beginning of Pain

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"Hmm..." she yawned and forced herself awake. It felt like a pain to do anything now...a shower would have to do. The girl wanted to hurry as fast as possible. She quickly undressed and went inside the bath.

As she sunk inside the warm water, the memories filled her mind. Lissanna had finally came back to life, calls me a bitch, and tells me to stay away from Natsu. What bothered her the most was the disappointment of the lies from the stories of a sweet and kind girl who wanted nothing more then to help everyone. Lucy stood up from the tub and put a determined expression. "Here's a new mission!" she continues to speak to herself, "All I have to do is get her to like me, because I'll end up alone again..." A tear slipped from her eye. She rubbed her face with a towel, got out of the shower, and get herself dressed. After having a small breakfast she starts heading towards the guild. Then the thoughts had come back and clouded her mind. Ever since Lissanna had return and it feels like almost every one is growing distant from me. Natsu doesn't even sneak into her house anymore. Happy still comes, but every time I asked where Natsu is, and says the same thing. Natsu is only paying attention to Lissanna. At least Mira is still there for me and it hurts that my best friend Levy is ignoring me. Juvia is finally wanting to talk to me without the rivalry thing. Lucy walked on the edge until the guys had called her attention. "Hey Lucy!" one man yelled out while she waved at them both. "Be careful!" the other man shouted. "I will!" she replied with a smiled and waved goodbye. She continues walking till Lucy recognized someone from the guild. "Mira! Hey." The young woman with lovely white hair and I think magenta colored dress went to Lucy holding bags of groceries. "Hello, how are you?" her smile was always so pretty. "Oh, I'm doing fine." her face grew concerned. "Your'e not lying to me right?" she asked and I quickly responded. "To be honest, I was...but there are still many thing that make me happy." Mira's smile came back and spoke, "Good! Also, there's a silver key that's half off at the magic shop." I got excited and noticed the plastic bags with food and supplies. "Do you need help?" she nodded no and started walking away.                                                                               I went to the place, but I bumped into Natsu along the way. "H-hey Natsu." she put a fake smile on as he also greeted her, "Oye! Lucy there you are! I needed to tell you something." her curiosity led her to destruction. "We are kicking you off the team." stunned she asked which made is worse, "W-why..." the words escaped her mouth and cut herself off. "Because your'e weak and you are always hiding behind your spirits. Plus, I'm sick of saving you all the time."her eyes were widen in shock. She was about to cry , but held the tears from showing. Without hesitation she spoke, "Well..I have to hurry home." she continues to speak, "I'll see you at the guild tomorrow." I run off before anything else can happen.                                                                                                                 Yet, how could she not not notice Natsu punching the ground with his fist.


Juvia walked inside but Gray-Sama wasn't there so Juvia decided to talk to Mira." Hi Mira, can Juvia have some lemonade?" I asked." Sure, I just bought some earlier." Mira said. Juvia started to think that Gray-sama will never love her." Juvia thinks Gray-sama will never love her." Juvia spoke in a sad tone." Don't think like that just tell him how you feel." She putting a huge pretty smile." Juvia did a hundred millions times." Juvia was getting even more depressed." If you keep trying, I'll know he will say yes." Juvia thought her advice would work." Juvia will do it." Juvia said confidently." I'll be here." Mira said and Juvia went off.

Juvia realized she never got her lemonade.

Anyways Juvia walked up to Gray-sama. Juvia was a bit nervous...but Juvia put that feeling beside her. "Gray-Sama. Juvia wants know if we can talk?" I asked nervously." Okay?" Juvia saw a that he looked confused for a second but then moody.

Juvia and Gray-Sama were walking outside behind a tree. Juvia thought it was romantic. Then Juvia daydreaming came to a halt when Gray-Sama spoke." So what is it." Juvia thought Gray was acting different." I- I love y-" Juvia was going to finish but Gray-Sama just sighed." Juvia you really need to stop." Juvia was confused," you are getting annoying." Juvia's heart stung a bit." I'm tired of you always following me and giving me these ridicules gifts. Plus when your depress and stuff you always make it rain or flood which even worse." Juvia was very shocked but the finishing words did not." Well I'm heading back inside." Gray-Sa...Gray said. Juvia knows this wasn't the first time this happened. Juvia should had given up. Juvia thought he was different but Juvia was wrong again. Juvia noticed that it was lightly pouring.  Juvia's tear we're mixing with the cold rain water.

"Juvia...? Are you okay? I saw it rain and I-" Juvia interrupted her." Juvia is fine, this rain is not Juvia's doing." Juvia put a fake smile that wasn't convincing." can talk to me. We're f-" Juvia interrupted Mira again." Juvia's going to head to the Fairytale dorms. Goodbye." Juvia said and walked away in the cold rain.

Juvia felt the rain get harder and harder. It felt like seemed to have made Juvia worse.


After talking with Juvia a felt guilty. I told her to do it, I told her she will be fine, I told her it would work. Love would I know...Even the one I love doesn't love me...When did this turn to me. I'm going to talk to Gray and sort this out. I'm not letting this ship sink.
As Mira walked inside she went straight to Gray." Gray. What did you say to Juvia?" I asked." Huh? Oh...I told her that I didn't have feeling for her." Gray lied that is..."Your not lying to me." I said." I'm not. Why does he look so serious? I left without saying word. First Lucy then Juvia. I'm getting a sickening feeling about this. I was going to question Gray more but he had already left. I'll talk him, Natsu, and to...everyone that has been acting different or is it just me...definitely somethings wrong.
I need to find out fast.


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