Chapter Five

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After a disgusting meal of sticky cucumbers my sister had prepared, I drained a cup of water and washed my hands in the kitchen sink. Immediately I quietly slipped on my converse and headed out of the room, grabbing my tiny purse and throwing in a hair tie, my phone and some cash. The last thing on my to-do list was to get caught by my sister.

I tip-toed out the kitchen and to the front hall, hoping she wouldn't hear the sound of my keys rattling in my purse. I slid carefully across the wooden floor and made it to the door with ease. My hands wrap the doorknob with caution and twist it slowly and quietly but the pounding footsteps upstairs meant it was too late. I could already see the smoke flaming out of her ears as I picture her scolding me.

"Here we go again," I mutter.

I watch her storm out of her bedroom upon my sudden departure and look down on me with beady eyes. She eyes my casual attire and purse and grows even more angry. Fuming, she furiously crawls towards me and jabs her nose to my face.

"Where do you think you're going?" She exclaims, each syllable drumming with rage. "It's not up to you to make the decisions around here."

"I made some new friends," I explain curtly. "And they invited me over."

"What?" She pounces, running her hands through her hair. "I can't let you go."

"What?" Now it's my turn to shriek. "Why not?"

"Because," She tosses her hair. "You're not allowed to go anywhere after 7."

"Says who?" I ask. "I'm not a kid anymore."

"It's the rules," She nods. "Since mom isn't home I have to take care of you. And I can't let you get hurt."

"I know you're trying to save yourself but I really want to go," I plead. "I can't miss this chance."

"Listen punk," She says. "I know it's been hard moving. But it was my first day too. So shut up and stop thinking about yourself."

I watch her face disappear and a devious frown emerges in it's place.

"Tell me, do you really know these people?" She prods. "Please tell me they're both girls."

My chin quivers. "They're both boys."

"God damn Julianna," She winces softly. "It's getting dark. Did they say anything about what they were planning to do?"

"Well," I start. "They said we would watch Netflix and chill."

"Watch Netflix and chill?" She bites her lip. "You know what? Never mind. They're just trying to mess with you."

"What the hell?" I stutter but she dismisses it.

"I bet one of the boys has dyed hair," She continues. "And the other one's is dark and shaggy."

"How do you know that?" I glare, baffled, yanking on the doorknob. "This is madness. Are you going to let me go or not?"

"Nope, nada." She zips her lips and detaches my hand from the door, loosening my grasp. "Now go upstairs and reflect on your first day."

"Uh," I say bluntly. "I'm not reflecting on anything."

"It's better than being laid though isn't it?" She furrows her eyebrows. "Now c'mon."

"No!" I shout. As much as I hated raising my voice at someone, I didn't ever want to do it to my sister. "Please. Please let me go. Don't you trust me?"

She stares at me intimately for a very long time. "Of course I trust you. I don't trust your so-called friends."

"Ugh!" I stress. "They're going to be waiting for me! I can't betray them like this!"

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