Why Did I Say That?

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Nearly a week after starting school at Jobe, Tori had seen a rude awakening for a bad, "painful" morning for herself. There it was, that time of the month again. Tori had taken some extra pads and even some midol with her just in case the cramps caught her by surprise. The cramps started early in the morning, unluckily for Tori. During algebra class, times had gotten worst during the worst cramps ever. She'd already had a bad morning and was bottled up with anger.

"Good morning, Tori!" greeted De'Andre.

"Yeah, whatever!" exclaimed Tori.

"Dang girl," said De'Andre.

"Hey Tori," Dylan said in a soft voice.

"What do you want Dylan? Don't you see I'm in a bad mood right now?" Questioned Tori.

"Hey, what's your problem?" Asked Alexis.

"What's wrong with my friend? Maybe you just need to have some time alone..." said Dylan.

At that point, Tori had taken offense to what Dylan had just said, thinking he was basically telling her to chill out. Without thinking, Tori sharply replied with, "YOU KNOW WHAT, DYLAN? WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?! NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE, JUST FREAKING DISAPPEAR!! JUST GET OUT OF MY EYESIGHT!"

"Victoria!" Antonia said shockingly.

The class had turned to watch as Tori just started to realize what she just said. There was Dylan standing in front of his friend embarrassed with a shocked "hurt feelings" facial expression. Thanks to everyone in the class chuckling and snickering, he felt saddened and sunk his head, eventually running out of the class humiliated.

"Tori, why would you say that?" asked Priscilla.

Before she could answer, Priscilla followed Alexis and Antonia to catch up with Dylan. That day, Tori had felt really bad, knowing that she deserved to. Not feeling worse enough, James texted her asking what made her feel like that and why she said the things she did. Eating by herself at lunch was much of a reminder that having a bad morning didn't mean that you could take your anger out on your friends.

The very next day during second period, Tori went to go to the bathroom when she suddenly saw Dylan getting a drink of water.

"Dylan!" shouted Tori.

He saw her and decided to take a run for it. "Dylan wait! Please!"

He decided to take the risk and listened to what Tori had to say.

"Hello Tori... What insults have you thought of for me this time?"

"Look," Tori began. "I know you're really mad at me right now but I just want to apologize about my vicious behavior. Of course it was just really disrespectful for me to say those hurtful things and the reason why I was being mean was because... because- I was having girl problems."

Dylan thought about it, "Oh..."

"Yeah, but that didn't give me the right to be so immature and disrespectful, taking my anger out on people who didn't deserve it. I would have felt the same way if someone treated me the way I treated you guys. I'm really sorry for everything, I really am, Dylan."

Dylan walked away a little. "Thanks for apologizing to me, Tori.. But the truth is that I forgave you yesterday!"

"What?!" cried Tori.

"Yeah, I figured that you'd feel bad about it and then come and apologize!" said Dylan.

'Are you serious? Dylan!" Tori had realized that this was her revenge.

"So this was payback wasn't it?

"You're so smart!"

"So are we friends again?" asked Tori, holding her arms out.

"Of course we are."

There they were hugging in the middle of the hallway with no one else around to see.

They finally went back to class as Tori had felt better enough to sit with them at lunch later that day.

Victoria Mussolini: Age 14Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora