The sleepover

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"I know a girl who's obsessed with a guy

She talks for hours and still tomorrow

She'll call again and when he thinks that this could be the end,

She calls again"

story of my life, exept hes obsessed with me, dont get me wrong Nathan is kind of cute but--wait? What was i gonna do? Oh! My phone! I look at the caller ID to see whos calling me and...its a number i dont know. After a short mind battle with myself if i should answer it, i do.

"hello...?" i probably sound stupid right now...

"hey baby i can see you...looking fine" OMG! Who is this?!?! Stalker???? Do i call the cops???

"who is this..?"

"wow, what type of bestfriend are you? Cant recognize my voice" thank god, its only amber

"i knew it was you the whole time...i was just playing with you..."

"riiiight, anyways open the door im outside and its cold"

"why are you outside?"

"um...sleepover? Duh you planed it"

"oh! I almost forgot!"

"...idiot..." i know she didnt really mean it

"BER-BER!!!" my sister

"hey belz!"

"i listened to what you said and Stevie almost asked me out today! He was looking at me ALL day!...i think..." a girl and her first crush...

"i knew it would!" Amber is like another sister for us, thats why we love her

"hey belly wanna choose the movie?" she is probably going to choose a disney princess movie (their still awsome!) or one with a really cute guy so i trust her desicion...


"so....ambi whats up"

"tel! Its not like im going to be heart broken because of that 2 timing @ss"

"thats my girl!" i dont think i really need to explain what happened between them...

"lets make the popcorn!"

"we should remember to get take-out one day..." i have a really bad case of deja-vu right now...

"you say that every sleep over" oh! I knew it! That explains the deja-vu!

"hey! So do you guys want beauty anf the beast or i am number four?"

"oh! I know! Do you guys have beastly?"

"omg! I love your smartness! We get Alex Pettyfer and we get to watch the beauty and the beast story!"- me

"alight lets go!"

"hold on! I still need to get the popcorn!"

"ok tally well go get the movie and you get all the snacks"

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-AFTER MOVIE-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

"so..." ugh! I know whats shes going to say already...good thing clairabell fell asleep


"i heard Nath-"

"no, come on! Cant we have ONE night where we DONT talk about him and how he wont give up on me?"

"thats not what i was going to say"

"oh, sorry"

"as i was saying, before i got interupted, i heard Nathan finally got a girlfriend..."

"WHAT?! WHO?!"


so...cliffhanger on the 1st chapter ...sorry :) i know its only the 1st chapter and i shouldnt ask this on the first chapter but can you please leave a comment or a vote? Thanks :) if you the first 1 then ill tell you how i got the title for the story.... :D

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