The discovery

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This is an odd day koopa thought, it feels as though im being watched.... "oh well it probally nothing" koopa told his freind goomba "its probally a bush or a leaf" he explained.

"HELP IMMEDIATLY , WE NEED HELP!" Koopa heard the goombas screaming from behind him. "I knew something was up,but I thought against myself.." koopa told himself quickly "I am going to help!" Koopa screamed back, if only he knew what was there...
And then he saw it, it was a italian plumber that was shooting fireballs. "I must help!" Koopa ran over to the guy to tell him to stop and touched him and then it happened, the man transformed into an ordinary guy and jumped on koopa. Koopa was stunned because of the cruelty in these eyes of the man and while he was thinking the man kicked him, but koopa bounced off an object came back and hit the strange man. "Its me a mario" the man said as he was shrunken into his final form before running off, "I dont think that will be the last of him" koopa told the others. We each have a station alright? Yes everyone agreed "Now im gonna go tell bowser, dtay safe away from that 'mario' thing" koopa told his freinds and peers. Now to tell bowser koopa thought, he'll kill me when I tell him this if he doesnt die from laughter before that!" Koopa slowly started to sob about his lost freinds...

"That wasnt good, he was just there and took out too many people with those fireballs!" Koopa explained to bowser "Alright koopa,ill be back in a bit watch this area for now" bowser told koopa, And thats when koopa saw bowser carrying the princess back with him........"

Should I continue?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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