Part Five

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<td class="midtext" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt;">I packed everything in my backpack. My journal, my pens, Munna, my music box, my IPod and charger, my headphones, and my Helper had given my 10 dollars as a prize once before. I slid on my freshly washed pants, my converse, and put my little necklace on. I tucked my backpack under my bed, and sat there, thinking of how I'd escape. As if on cue the emergency alarm rang. When that alarm rang all the Specimen were put into one large room until the emergency is dealt with. Sometimes it's a chemical spill, a gas leak, a Diclonii gone wild, it all depends. That's what we are, Diclonii. Beings with horns and frontal lobes that control our vectors. Born of a virus. I heard a voice screaming outside. "Open the doors, goddamn! Number 68 is on the loose and we need to get all Diclonii in the Emergency Room!" perfect, I thought. I smiled, but wiped it away when the doors opened. I grabbed my backpack, slung it over my shoulder, and grab bed my pillow, turning on the tears to make myself look scared. The man ran in, picked me up princess style, and ran out into the commotion. Men with guns were running up and down the corridors, shouting orders and insults at each other. The Emergency Room was detached from the main building, but heavily guarded.The island was surrounded by stormy waters, making it difficult to escape. There was a sea of pink, red and white. Helpers and Diclonii were herded outside into the inky night pouring with rain. The little ones cried, including me. My Helper set me down to help a girl beside him, and I took my chance. The entire walkway was lined with gunned men, so i went up. using my vectors, I pushed myself high into the air, hearing the shouts and heightened crying fro below. Bullets pierced the air all around me, hitting me a couple times, but not causing anything more than a bruise. i continued my escape down to the rocky cliff, pursued by men, helpers, doctors, and even Number 68. "I'll come with you!" She screamed. We held hands, soaked by the rain, and we plummeted into the raging waters below.</td>








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