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Randy Orton P.O.V.

I turned and saw Ciara standing in the doorway. "Come here Ciara." I said to her as I motioned her come sit on the hospital bed with me. She walked over to me and sat next to me. I looked at her face and saw nothing but hurt. I sighed and put my hand on top of hers. "I didn't call you because I was afraid that you would go crazy and get hurt."

"Randy, I'm not gonna go crazy."

"I see that now. I also see that I really hurt you're feelings and its all because I wasn't letting you be here with me. I'm sorry for that. I truly am." I said to her. I looked into her eyes and saw tears swelling up. "Don't cry. Wait, why are you crying?" I asked as I started to wipe the tears off her face.

"I'm crying because that was so beautiful. I thought you were just gonna say sorry."

"A beautiful woman like you deserves a true apology and not a sorry." I told her before placing a kiss on her cheek the forehead.
She then smiled and all the tears were gone. "How did you know I was here?"

"John. He said that you desperately needed me but won't call me."
I laughed and she flashed me a smile.
"I knew he was going to do that. But I'm happy that he did." I told her with a smile. Just then the No Name fake nurse came into the room. She looked angry when she saw Ciara.
"Um, who are you?" She asked.

"Hi, I'm Ciara." She reached out her hand so the fake nurse could shake it but the lady refused.

"Yeah um, you're going to have to leave. Only people who are related to Mr. Orton here, can stay in here. So unless you are related, you can't stay in here at this time." She told us.
Ciara said okay and started to get up until I pulled on her arm.

"She's my girlfriend. Its okay." I said looking into Ciara's eyes.

"Its okay Randy. I'll just be outside the room."
I nodded as I watched her leave. I them turned to look at the lady after Ciara left.
"So that's you're girlfriend?"

"Yeah." I responded.

"She's nice... But you could do better."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."
I started to get angry but I had to contain myself because after all, she is a lady. "I happen to love her for who she is." I shouted.

"Awe, isn't that beautiful. But I really don't care..."
Then she left out the room.

*3 Minutes Later*

I heard footsteps again and sighed in relief when I saw John and Ciara. "I am finally allowed to stay in this hospital room with you." She said while grabbing my hand and sitting by me. I laughed. John sat in the chair next to us and sighed. "What's wrong with you?"

"I have to go soon. Nicole called 5 times."

"Its alright, bro."

"Okay. See ya." He said while walking out. After he left it was just me and Ciara.
"So, what were you doing before you came here?" I asked her.

"Hanging around with April and Brock."


"I already know that Kane did this to you."
I was a little surprised that she knew. I never told her. "How?"


"Of course you did."

"We need to call the police, Randy."

"I'm fin-"

"No, you're not fine! You're in a hospital!" She said while her eyes were tearing up.
"Don't cry. I am fine."

She nodded her head as to saying 'No'.
"Maybe we shouldn't be together. I don't want you to be hurt like this again." She said.
I was feeling all types of emotions. Sad, because she thought that. Mad, because of Kane. Hurt, because she was hurt. And a lot more.
"Ciara... What did you just say?"
She looked into my eyes and tears were running down her face.

"He keeps doing this because he knows that we're together. Maybe... Maybe we shouldn't be together."

"Ciara... Do.. You... Hear... Yourself?" I asked her. I couldn't believe this was happening.
She was still crying but facing the floor. She wouldn't even look at me. "Randy I -"

"No!" I interrupted her. I couldn't bare to hear it again. "Do you hear what you're saying? Before I met you, I was lost. When I found you... It was like a ray of light showed me the right path." I sat up in the bed and lifted her head so her eyes were looking into mine. "Ciara, I don't wanna lose you. I can deal with Kane... But only as long as I have you."
I cleared the tears from her face and kissed her on forehead then cheek. She smiled and held my hand in hers. I pulled her to me and kissed her.
It lasted like this for a few minutes until a doctor came in and told me that I had to sleep. When the doctor left, Ciara gave me a kiss good night and told me that she would be right next to me when I woke up. I nodded, then laid down and shut my eyes.

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