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April's POV:

I groaned and moved positions. This whole night I couldn't sleep. I looked over at the clock to see it was 4 in the morning. My body was screaming at me just trying to get a wince of sleep, but whenever I tried I would end up waking up with the worst cold and hot flashes. I couldn't take it anymore, it felt like I was going crazy.

Something recently awoke in me. I wasn't able to sleep for the past week. I 'd say I've gotten around 3 hours and its already Thursday. Thats about an hour a day. My body ached in pain and my head almost always had the worst migraines. I tried to look it up on google, but to my worst fear all the articles said I was dying of random things.

I couldn't take it and more and jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I turned on the sink and splashed some water thinking it could possibly help calm me down. I was wrong, instead I'm just more awake. I never knew how on commercials they looked so graceful doing it, while I on the other hand looked like a complete mess. I grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth, then went to my closet and picked out some clothes. I decided to go with a simple red tank top and a pair of lulu lemon running shorts. I tied my long dark brown hair in a high pony tail.

When I was looking in the mirror I saw how gauntly I looked. My eyes were puffy and almost bloodshot with dark circles surrounding them from not getting enough sleep.

I was going for a run this morning. I dont know what it was, but something in me wanted me to. Surprisingly for how lazy I am, I actually make time to go to the gym or just on runs outside.

I headed downstairs to make a quick smoothie. I threw some frozen fruit I had in the freezer in the blender with some milk and flax seeds. Apparently Flax seeds are suppose to help in boob growth? My best friend was telling me about it the other day and I thought might as well experiment. A little boob growth couldn't hurt.

My parents are constantly traveling around for work, so usually the house is left with just me in it. I'm the youngest out of my siblings. Jason's 26 while Fiona has just turned 21 today. Those two occasionally stop by to visit, so "I wouldn't be as lonely." But I have a strong suspicion it's because whenever they do come by I'll cook them some food to eat.

I poured the smoothie into a cup and chugged it all. Classy. I know. I grabbed my car keys which were on the counter and started to head outside. I have a red Jeep Wrangler that I've named ruby. Everyone knows she's my baby and I'll do anything for her.

I decided to spice it up and go to a trail I haven't been to in a while. It was a bit further than my normal ones, but I held this one close to my heart. Dove Creek was it's name. It had a creek right next to it with the clearest water in the state. When I was younger, my parents used to take me here. We would bring food and picnic near the creek. I wish it was still like that, but with them always traveling for work, it never would happen.

After about a 20 minute drive I finally reached the lot where everyone was to park. I parked in a spot close to the start of one of the trails. I jumped out of my car grabbing my bag, that had my water bottle in it, and locked it. It was still pretty dark out, but in the distance you could see the sun starting to rise.

My parents used to take me on this path whenever I was sad to cheer me up when I was younger. I thought it would at least help me clear my mind and maybe tire me enough to get a quick nap in. Since tonight is Fiona's 21st birthday, were throwing a party down at the house and I know I'll need all the energy I can get.

I started to jog down the pathway. Something about all the nature calms me. There's something about this trail that just makes me feel at home. The swaying of the trees in the early Summer morning breeze to hearing the nearby creek run, just makes me feel all giddy on the inside.

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