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As time passes, more and more people start to show up. We don't have the biggest house, but it still is pretty large. I taped up caution tape around my room to make sure no one would go hook up in my bed.

"APRILLLLL!" I hear my friend group yell at me. "Hey guys you ready to start senior year off?!" I excitedly ask them. "Hell yea especially since this is the last banger of the summer!" Jace smiles back at me.

"Here take this." He hands me a cup full of jungle juice that was just made. As I chug it down I feel the burning of the alcohol run down my throat. "Woo A you certainly know how to hold it down!" Taylor giggles.

"You know I do," I engulf her in a hug, "I missed you!" "I missed you to A!" She hugs back. "Woah there what about us little recluse?" Jace says putting on a fake face of hurt.

"Oh you jackasses know I've missed you guys too!" Jace comes in for a hug and as I'm about to I switch it up and hug Mitch instead. "Wow I see." Jace pouts. I go in to hug Jace, but fake it again and bear hug Mike. "She loves us more dude just accept it!" Mike laughs.

"Oh shut it bro," Jace says as he forces me into a hug causing me to laugh. "Well maybe if you weren't so full of yourself you'd get a hug first." I shrug, but give in and give him a hug back.

"Ok now that our little love fest between us is over," Mitch says eyeing al of us, " LETS GET WASTED!" We all laugh at his little outburst.

"I'll grab us some new drinks?" I offer to which they all nod. I look around to see the house filling up more and more with people I knew, who I waved a quick hello to, and people I didn't know, who I just smiled kindly at.

I squeeze my way through the people dancing, talking, and some even making out. I finally made my way to the kitchen where I hid a stash of fireball for myself. Oops. What could I say. I love a good fireball.

I felt someone gazing right at me. Confused I turn around to see who it was. To my
luck I couldn't get a clear view due to the flashing lights. To be fair there are a pretty good amount of people around, so I dont even know why I tried.

I go back to the drawer and grab the fireball to my surprise someone drank half of it already. Disappointing, but hey they left some for me, so I can't be too mad. As I'm turning around I run straight into someone. "Shit I'm sorry." I mutter. "Yea you should be asswipe, not for running into me but hiding one of the best alcohols known to man." A familiar voice says. I look up at who I ran into and it was a very well intoxicated Jason.

"Want to share it?" Jason slurs. "I think you've had enough alcohol bro." I give him a pat on the shoulder. "So you're going to drink it all by yourself double A," I hear him ask while I walk away. "Yes, yes I am." "I 'd like to see you try lil sis." "Is that a bet?" "Yes, yes it is double A." "Ok bet." I tell him opening the bottle. This will be easy.

I put the top to my mouth and turn it upside down to start chugging. The burn. The rush. The taste of cinnamon flavored whiskey. The chants to keep chugging. A euphoric feeling to be honest. I chug and chug until the bottle ran dry. "Try again big bro." I smirk back.

"HELL YEAH THATS MY BABY SIS RIGHT THERE!" Jason shouts proud of me. "Double A got some fire to her!" I hear Fiona laugh.


Everyone in the party starts to whistle and holler causing Fiona to smile and laugh. The house gets rowdier than ever. Everyone dancing, smiling, laughing. The pure face of happiness on everyone is present.

"So what happened to our drinks?" I hear Jace say from behind me. "Might've been drinking from me?" I shrug giving them puppy dog eyes, making them all laugh. "You really are quite the character A." Mike laughs out.

"Hey we still got some jungle juice let's chug away?!" Taylor says passing more around. "Thanks Tay." I say grabbing another cup. As i start to drink more and more, I could feel the buzz. Things going hazy. But that didn't stop me. I continued to drink away. Why not celebrate?

I look around to see Fiona making out with some guy and vice versa for Jason with a girl. The sound of the music fills my ears as I grab Taylor to come and dance. Took a bit of convincing, but soon she joined me.

See the key to life is to let go. Let loose. Don't care about anyone's opinions. Live in the now. So that's what I'm always going to do.

I swing my hips back and fourth with my hands in the air. Sweat slowly dropping down my body, but mixing with the others in the crowd all in the living room. I beckon the guys to come over, which also took a bit, but they soon joined.

"Should we pull the stunt?" Taylor asks me. "Let's do it!" I wink at her back. I grind up on Taylor as a tease, while she does to me. Causing the people around us to get rowdy and whistle. We grounded the whole song and once it ended a big encore came from some guys.

I noticed Jace, Mitch, and Mike staring with their jaws dropped. Taylor and I just laughed it off. I stopped suddenly when I felt the burning gaze on me again. What is it? Or the real question is Who? I scan the whole room again trying to get a glimpse at whoever was staring at me, but to my disadvantage the large amount of people here made it hard to see.

I take out my juul from my bra and start to hit it. Feeling the smoke fill my lungs and the mint taste take over the reminisce of alcohol in my mouth.

Jace grabs me from behind and we start to dance, not grind per say, just dance. But then again if I was sober, I probably wouldn't dance like this at all. I wouldn't want to give him the wrong impression.

Jace and I have been best friends since we were practically born. Everyday since Kindegarden we would hang out. He was there for me when I needed someone and always understood me. Honestly I think he knows me more than I know myself.

"Can I have a hit?" He whispers in my ear. "Yeah why not?" I shrug and hand it to him. He repetitively hits it causing him to cough a bit. "Watch it baby lungs." I tease him. "Oh I do not have baby lungs!" Jace defends himself. "Ok whatever you say." I laugh taking it back to get in a few hits for myself.

The gaze that I've felt all night starts to get more intense ever since Jace and I started dancing. What is this? Who? I scan the room again, but I can't pinpoint it.

But it all hit at once. It was him. The man from the trail. He stared dead at me. I found myself lost in his gaze, but also frozen. I felt like i couldn't move. Was it fear? It didn't feel much like I was scared. "Hey are you okay April?" Jace asks worried, snapping me back to reality. In response I just nod my head. "I think I need some fresh air."

I move my way into the crowd making sure it would be hard to trace me through them. I stepped into my backyard and laid down on the grass. Maybe I am going crazy, I take my shirt off to cool down a bit. No one is out here, so it wouldn't matter. Plus at this point I'm just wearing a bra, so I was completely in the nude on top.

"You shouldn't just strip in the open kitten." A deep,husky voice growls from behind me.

Hey everyone! I'm trying to post a chapter a day before I start on with the more updated new stuff! Once I settle down a bit, I'll work on making large chapters once or maybe twice a week!
-C :)

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