"My mom"

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I hear a tap on my window, I rush to my window and open it. I knew it was Grace, she looks up at me to come down.

I grab my phone and climb out of my window. I climb off my roof, I nearly fall. We run to her car and get in.

She turns on the car and starts driving. "What happened?" She says keeping her eyes on the road.

"My mom" I say looking down. "I don't want to talk about" she knows my mom does this to me. She hurts me then I leave, then she apologize. It's the same thing every time.

She turns on the radio, Pierce The Veil. I start singing and she sings along. She try's the screams. She been practicing that a lot lately, I mean she is getting better. But she is no Vic.

We pull up to her house and we get out. We walk in, "Well, I guess you finally decided to come home" he dad says as she steps in. He is sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand and a cooler next to him.

"Dad I left for 20 minutes" she says to her dad. He looks at her aggressively. "That doesn't matter, you forgot to make me dinner" he says taking a sip.

"We have leftovers, I made to much last night" she says cautiously. "I want lasagna bitch"
"Dad we had lasagna last night"

"Fuck it, go and talk with your friend. I'll just starve he says throwing the bottle at her. We walk in her room.
"Ouch" she says grabbing her arm. The bottle must have cut her because she was bleeding and she a big cut on her arm.

I grab a tissue and hand it to her. She smiles and puts it on her arm. "So what do you wanna do?"

"I'm watch YouTube vids" I smile
"Sure" she grabs her laptop and lays it on her lap.
"Who do you wanna watch?" She ask
"You know" I say smiling at the thought of Kyle David Hall.

She types it in and we watch "Not my arms Challenge".

Kyle is like a drug, you wanna stop taking it but you can't. If I ever meet him I would fangirl so much.


Hey guys is Grace, thanks for reading my update its almost 5am. Yeah who is an insomniac.

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