Chapter 6. The road beckons

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It has been quite some time since I arrived in this village. My hands are no longer tied. The villagers now treat me as one of their own, though deep down they are wary. Apparently they don't trust me yet. I am not allowed to leave the village, but I can wander around at my leisure.

I've hit it off with the family I've been placed with.

Husband: Eldrin, a sturdy man in his early forties, tall, broad-shouldered, with a weathered face marked by years spent in the sun. His dark hair is touched with gray and his beard is thick and well-groomed. Eldrin is an experienced hunter, known for his strength and endurance. He wears practical clothing suitable for the outdoors: leather boots, a wool tunic, and a cloak to protect him from the cold.

Wife: Lyra, a woman of graceful manners, is in her late forties. She has long, loose brown hair that frames a delicate face, and bright green eyes that seem to be full of warmth and wisdom. Lyra is the heart of the family, often tending the home hearth and preparing meals from a variety of fresh produce grown in their small garden. Her attire is simple but elegant: a long dress of soft fabric, often adorned with brightly colored belts.

Kieran: A younger boy, about ten years old, full of energy and curiosity. He has a mop of mussed brown hair and a smile that lights up his face. Kieran loves exploring the village and often asks me questions about my past and the world beyond. He wears a tunic that is a little big for him.

Elian: My eldest son is about sixteen, tall for his age, with a lean build that suggests he is turning into a young man. Elian has dark, disheveled hair and a serious expression that contrasts with his younger brother's cheerfulness. He often helps Eldrin with hunting and chores in the village. He dresses in practical, sturdy clothing, often has a knife hanging at his side, and is learning to be a hunter.

The hospitality and kindness of this family made my stay here more bearable, and I began to feel a sense of belonging, albeit tinged with the constant wariness of the villagers.

Everyone in this village called me "The Wanderer", as I didn't know my name and had no desire to make one up. It seemed fitting, given my aimless journey and the uncertainty of my past.

Recently, I was allowed to go hunting with the men. As we walked, they talked amongst themselves, telling stories and bantering with each other, but speaking quietly so as not to scare the game away.

"Did you hear about the time Eldrin almost missed a deer because he tripped over his own feet?" - grinned one of the men, Khador, a stocky fellow with a beard as wild as the forest around us.

Eldrin smirked: "Yes, and it was your fault you insisted I wear those clunky boots! I might have grabbed it if it weren't for your terrible fashion advice."

Khador laughed, "Fashion? We're hunters, Eldrin! It's not like we're dressing up for a ball!"

Kieran, who was walking a little behind us, squeaked: "I think the Wanderer would look good at a ball like this."

Elian: "Focus on the hunt, little brother. We need to catch something tonight."

- Otherwise Eldrin will be wearing those boots all next season," Khador added, holding back a laugh.

"Don't forget to listen," Eldrin instructed. "The forest speaks to itself. You may hear rustling and stomping of feet if you are quiet enough."

"Something like whispers?" I asked, trying to strike up a conversation with them.

"Exactly! But don't get too distracted by the sounds of the world around you," Elian warned," or you might miss the real target.

- By the way," Khador pointed ahead," I see something moving! - He crouched low, squinting his eyes.

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