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Didn't check for errors... Sorry..

After Romano had left you, you pondered on what that was all about. Taking your time as the incident stuck within your head, you decided to unpack all your clothing you have brought with you. Though, they will only last you a few days, so you arranged to maybe go shopping eventually this week.

Once you shut the dresser drawer and slid the suitcase under the dresser, you heard Spain from down the hall, " (y/n)! Romano! Were Home! "

Romano didn't respond probably because he couldn't hear him or just didn't want to say anything,"Hey!" you shouted back, letting him know where you were.

You could hear more boots but you knew they were Romano's as Prussia was already in the door way of your room, "good, she is still here!" he said happily until France skidded on his heel into Prussia and knocked them both over and out of the way as Spain peeked into the room, "sorry (y/n).. They were to ansy to get back here and spend some time with you.. "Spain explained smiling, " they waited for a while before realizing they shouldn't have left you and Romano alone.. "

"why is that? " you ask walking to the door frame and looking out at France and Prussia who was arguing on the floor.

Spain shrugged, "over protection... Fatherly instinct?"

"I am her father! Not Prussia! " France shouted at Spain but Prussia jumped up, "I can be her uncle, if France vants to be greedy vith ze father role.. "

"At least you didn't say you would be her mother.. "France said getting up from the floor and fixing his hair.

"I would have left you.. " they both say at the same time, making them look at each other.

"I'm to awesome of an uncle to be tied down right now.... Hell, I'm alvays awesome anyway.. "Prussia gloated.


Once that was over and you all had a good laugh, and then the couch was quickly filled with you, Spain, and Prussia. France threatned to sit on someone but decided to take a seat on the coffee table in front of you.

Your back was to Spain as he played with your longish (h/c) hair,"hey (y/n)? Have you tried cutting some of your hair? " Spain suggested.

France frowned, "I don't think she should..I like her hair as it is.. "Prussia agreed.

Spain sighed at them both as he floofed your hair, "you both either agree or disagree together.. It's call different opinions boys.. "

"speaking of boys.. "Prussia started, "do you have one? Or are you a heart breaker like me?"

"Prussia! " France gasped, " don't say that to her!"

France and Prussia began to argue again leaving you and Spain to talk reasonably,"do they always do this? "

Spain shook his head, "not until they saw you.. They are probably just over protective alittle I guess..? "

You nodded slowly, making sure not to pull your hair from spain."so how do you like, already being back down memory lane? "

You smiled at France and Prussia, having Spain,and Romano especially, on your mind," I love being back here.."

You laughed at the two guys on the other end of the couch, because of France, who decided to sit on Prussia's with his arms crossed. Prussia struggling under him, trying to push him off, "Mein gott, France!"

Romano was glaring at the edge of the hall," Shut Tha Hell Up!"

All four of you looked back at him at the same time making him drop his glare to a confused frown, "what-a do you all want!? S-stop staring at-a me!"

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