All Better!

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Riley's POV:

So I'm all better, the doctor cleared me, by doctor, no not Dr. Cullen. I really don't like hospitals. Also I have to go to school today. Sadly, Bella actually went into the whole rushing into talking to a Cullen about them being vampires, so Edward Cullen has been hanging around us, more like hanging around Bella. I can tell that they like each other, they would have the cutest children, only I found out that vamps can't have children.

Bella is getting a ride with Cullen today, so I know that I'm walking.

"Riley, do you want a ride?" Edward asked me.

"No thanks. I need to wake up anyway, walking will do that."

"Riley you should really ride with us." Bella told me.

"Remember the last time I rode to school with the Cullens? It got me more hate than I really need."

"Why does everyone at school hate you?"

"It started when I joined the dance team and I could dance better than the captain, then she made my life hell, then everyone thought that I did something terrible, then they spread rumors about me, the I beat up the quarter back. Now no one is talking to me."

"Come on, you can ride with us and get out before we get to school, if that would make you feel better?" I excepted that.

They dropped me off a block away from school. I ran the rest of the way to school. Once I got there everyone was staring at Bella and Edward. Seriously? Can't they take a hint and mind their own shit?

Dam, I gotta go to class.

Riley Swan Bella's Little Sister (Twilight) Completed versionWhere stories live. Discover now