Everything is a mess

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( please do read the important message after the chapter )

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Aahan,Arjun and Shanaya Came back to the palace

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Aahan,Arjun and Shanaya
Came back to the palace

"Guys i want to know the whole story! Aahan what is she talking about? You did what? I WANT TO KNOW THE FULL STORY" Shanaya shouted

"Calm down Shanaya" Arjun said

"Calm down? Seriously Calm down? I lost my best friend because of you both! Aahan tell me the the reason why did you dated her!?"

"Shanaya its not the right time" Arjun

"Arjun wait a minute, Shanaya i dated Lavanya for a challenge that was given to me by Samarth's group, and you know from the starting i don't say No to any challenges! And that's why i accepted his challenge! Arjun did nothing and although he was saying to me to not play with her feelings but i denied to him!

And in the starting of our 12th class i don't know why i get started attaching to Lavanya, most of the time i only think about her, i was repeatedly saying to myself that i don't have feelings for her! I cant love her but when sometimes she was upset with me or sometimes we fight and she don't talk to me,

i started feeling like burning myself, her anger ness affects me a lot, i cant make her upset
I cant make her cry but... Shanaya ask Arjun i confessed my real love for Lavanya in front of him

He was shocked but yes thats 100% true that i love Lavanya with all my hearts

I love Lavanya with pure intentions

I love Lavanya with so much of respect

And by the time i forgot about the challenge
I was thinking she won't be able to know the truth ever! Because of course i wont tell her and Arjun too

I forgot about Samarth

He feel jealous while seeing me happy, and he noticed me and Lavanya are in a very healthy relationship and i guess he guessed it right that i started loving her

And by the time he get to know this, he tell everything to Lavanya


Lavanya didn't given me a second to speak

I Lost her


Now I will kill Samarth"

Aahan confessed everything in front of Shanaya

Shanaya got tears in her eyes

And immediately she hugged him

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