The Soul of the China Doll

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I really hope u guys enjoy this poem I've tried very hard , but im under major editing plz comment ,vote,&share help me


Her smile was obligated
Her eyes held so much pain, as if she was suffering
For viewing this corrupted world
Her heart couldn't love
Because she tried that before, but ended up broken

She had a horrible past that she wanted to forget but couldn't forgive
She wanted to forget him, the one that made her like this
She felt as if she had nothing to live for

Her heart was molded like a 1,000 piece puzzle
But with many missing pieces
She was just like her heart

I was the girl
Who knew how the world was really shaped
I was the girl
Who knew that the world wasn't a sphere, it was barbarous way of life
I was the girl
Who didn't believe in those fairy tale stories

Where the handsome prince fell in love with the beautiful princess
He made me smile a true smile
that ran for miles

He made my eyes light up with happiness
He made me realize that i can love again
He made me think of a future
He made me realize i had something to live for

The way he used to hold me against his chest and murmur loving words in my ear
That made my heart flutter with love
He found all the missing pieces to my grubby puzzle
He actually fixed me as if I were a broken toy

Was that all an act
For me to fall helplessly in love with him?
I thought that he loved me?
I threw the key away with my heart

But somehow he found it again
That was the spare key
The key opened up a new place in my heart
a part that hasn't been touched in ages

Why would he break something he fixed
I thought that i was bonnie and he was my clyde
I thought the he was my augustus and i was his hazel

Infinity = forever
He and i could never get back together
What happened to not seeing a world without me

To be infinity and beyond
Poof just like that our love is gone

I was the piece of rusted old china
That grandma scorned you to get away from
But the wooden glass case blocked me from the world
But somehow this one boy had the key

Nothing but love and sorrow in his eyes when he saw me

He stuck the key into the wooden glass case
He slowly reached for me
His rough hands held me so close to his muscular body

Tingles ran through my body igniting a powerful force from his touch
Then his tingles vanished in thin air
No emotion or feeling
I realized i was crashing down to the floor


I crashed hard down to the floor
Turning into millions of pieces
Scattered across the ocean
Where I would not be found

Im broken
There laid a new piece of fine china where i once was
laying gracefully in his hands
I felt like a child's toy once played with to many times
There would not be any use for it no more

After that i promised myself to keep my heart locked up
You can feel love
But u can't see it

Webs scattered through out my heart
But sooner or later he will feel the pain
of true heartbreak that i felt

When he finds his true love
But his true love was me all along

he realized that a little too late
He is now suffering from heartbreak
We had something good till he messed it up

Stares of sympathy
The look in his eyes no longer showed love
Regret , remorse rimmed his eyes
I didn't have nothing to live for anymore

He was my everything

My vision
My heart
My other half
My one true love

But he didn't love me and i loved him and thats what made it sad
As they say what comes around goes around
I know now he's suffering from heartbreak now

The heartbreak that caused me to jump off this bridge and killed myself...............

Hope u enjoyed plz comment ,vote or share

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