Dynamo Tales - Of Moonlight and Sweet Memories Made

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“Of Moonlight and Sweet Memories Made”

A Dynamo Tale

The wind blew, long, cool fingers through Anna’s hair, sending chills down her back and laughter to her lips. Although it was high summer, the coastal city of Dynamo continued to have cool nights; perfect for cruising.

The Morgan blazed over the Victorian lattice-work of the Iron Bridge back towards the city. Tires roared on concrete, backed by a steady kick-drum beat as they passed over each seam. Jeff sat like a fighter pilot in his bucket seat, stealing sideways looks but concentrating on the road ahead, his thoughts as clear as the grin on his face.

Anna's arms were in the air, remembering the rollercoasters from her childhood. She let out a lung bursting scream and a raucous, full body laugh, exhilarated as her hair blew around her head like a nebulous cloud of golden silk. 

Tonight, as the full moon sparkled on the Iron River, and the electric haze of Dynamo grew, Anna could feel magic in the air. The scent of wildflowers and sea air drowned her senses and rapidly etched a memory which she knew would stay with her until her dying day. On this unforgettable evening, there was nowhere else she would rather be.

The roar changed to a deep growl as the Morgan left the bridge. The night sky quickly disappeared from view as the tree canopy blocked out only the brightest stars. Night birds gave worried warnings as the mechanical animal prowled through the forest.

Anna took a moment in the semi-darkness to study Jeff. Fractured beams of moonlight broke the canopy and illuminated his frozen grin and his unkempt hair. He looked soft and boyish, and that smile; she loved that smile. Jeff was rarely serious, or more accurately rarely too serious. Even when things were less than hopeful he cracked wise, or just smiled, and sometimes that would be enough.

She loved him.

Dynamo loomed and the journey, Anna feared, was coming to an end all too soon. Haltingly she had embarked upon the midnight run and, at first, had only offered ice cool conversation. Now she was free and she wanted more. She turned to Jeff as city-sounds added their staccato rhythms to the driving beat of their journey,

“I love you,” she said, but the wind whisked her words away. Her heart was in her mouth but a smile still centered on her lips.

Jeff turned, pointing a finger to his ear, “What did you say?” he yelled.

Anna shook her head and laughed again, looking up as the panorama of stars curved into view behind the outline of the city. Jeff shrugged, his eyes back on the road. Anna raised her hands and wished they, like a bird’s wings, could catch an eddy and lift her skyward so she could disappear into this, the most perfect of nights.

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