-demigods galore-

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In a dark alley, Briana turned around and faced the Lycans, moving back to stand in the shadows. Bri pulled three celestial bronze knives out of her bag and threw the useless item on the ground. She placed her feet shoulder-width apart and prepared herself. The Lycans entered the alleyway; the mist had lifted and they stood in their true forms. Red eyes glared down at Briana; dark fur covered their monstrous bodies. Bri pressed her lips in a thin line and launched a knife at the taller one, it was larger and more of a target. "Miss Dawn. He requests your presence." The smaller one grunted. The knife sunk itself into the larger, dumber one and he disappeared in a cloud of yellow mist. She growled lowly and flipped the knife in her hand, holding the blade in her palm and preparing to throw at the smaller one. "Tell him to go to hell while you're there." She snapped, running at him and kicking off the wall, sinking her knife into his skull before it could move. Bri slipped the knives into her discarded backpack. She stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled sharply. She waited a few seconds before a beautiful black Pegasus flew down towards her. She smiled and the horse nuzzled her stomach. "Hey Blackjack." She greeted, rubbing his star. Hey Firecracker. The horse responded in her mind. She smiled and he knelt down on his forelegs, allowing her to slide onto his back. He cantered forward a few strides before taking off and heading straight to Camp Half-Blood.

The three days Percy was unconscious, Bri checked on him, taking care of him for a few hours before she was forced to return to her duties at camp. She and Annabeth were reunited when she arrived, the two best friends had been inseparable since she came back, and Annabeth even came with her to see Perce.

The two badass Demi-Gods clashed swords as they fought together against six sons of Ares. Bri and Annabeth leant against each other and Bri flipped over Annabeth, using her as support to take down an opponent. Briana's hair was tied in a high ponytail, pulling it away from her face. She brushed a hair out of the way that was stuck to her sweaty skin. She didn't look at Percy and Grover standing on the edge of the clearing, but she could hear the conversation. She was happy he was awake, but she was a little too preoccupied to go say hello.

"Who are they?" Percy asked, staring at them both. Bri smirked and bent down to the ground, kicking the legs out from under a son of Ares. She stood up quickly and she and Annabeth stood back to back again. "They will squash you like a bug." Grover laughed. "Their names." Percy demanded, his eyes never leaving the duo fighting.

"Annabeth. Daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom." Grover pointed to Annabeth as she held one of the opponents at sword point. Bri held her sword against the back of another and kept her foot on the chest of a different one. "And that." Grover pointed at Briana as she glanced at them. Percy's eyes widened and his jaw went slack. "Briana Dawn. Daughter of Apollo, the god of the sun. She's extremely powerful, and she's also your girlfriend." Grover pointed out as Bri and Annabeth stopped to catch their breath, staring over at Percy and Grover. Bri high fived Annabeth and jogged over to the pair, swinging her sword around.

"You're one of them and you didn't tell me." Percy accused, throwing his arms around like he usually did. Bri bit her lip and raised an eyebrow. "It was safer if you didn't know, I was already being tailed Percy. It's better if you're here and you are safer anyway. What was I supposed to say? Guess what Percy, your girlfriend is the daughter of a Greek god thought to be just a myth. And I have all these powers, and I could probably single-handedly take down the entire world!" Bri ranted, calming herself down after she was finished. Percy sighed and shook his head, walking away with Grover. Bri groaned and slipped her sword into the weapons rack, waving goodbye to Annabeth as her best friend continued to fight.

Bri knocked on the door of the Hermes Cabin. A daughter of the said God opened the door and stared at her, a bored expression on her face as she gave the girl a once-over. "Hey Priscilla, is Luke here?" Bri asked, glancing inside.

"He's in the back." The girl replied, popping the bubble-gum she had in her mouth and shoving past the brunette. Briana crinkled her nose and walked inside, shutting the door behind her. Knocking on Luke's door, she waited out the front. As soon as the door swung open, she was engulfed in a massive hug. "I missed you." Luke mumbled into her hair. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him close. The two released each other and Bri sat on his bed, laying down in a weird position

"I met someone when I was away." She breathed happily, staring up at the ceiling. She missed Luke's frown and a bite of his lip. "Really?" He asked, his voice tense. Bri smiled and sat up, putting her hands in her lap. "His name is Percy, he arrived today, well really three days ago, but he woke up today. I think he's mad at me now, because I didn't tell him what I was." Bri furrowed her eyebrows and glanced at Luke, biting her nail. "Well, I think that you are amazing and he doesn't deserve you. You should be with someone that understands why you had to hide it. I mean, you're beautiful, funny, charming, could beat me in a fight any day." Luke smiled at her, coming to kneel in front of her as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Thanks Luke. I better go apologise and get ready for capture the flag." She kissed his cheek and hugged him quickly, walking out the door. Luke growled and picked up a pillow and threw it against the wall, angry he had missed his chance. 

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