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Chapter Seven - Saturday, We Kissed [ Part Two ]


"I like you."

I can only sit there and stare blankly at him as he says those words. Does he like me in that way?

" me?" I stammer, looking everywhere but him.

"I mean as in friends, if I confused you? I really feel like I've bonded with you so we aren't strangers anymore, right? We're friends now...I hope," he tells me, his eyes filled with emotions I just can't seem to read.

I nod frantically, embarrassed at the fact that I went past that possibility and straight to the assumption that he liked me in a romantically way. "Yeah, I guess I like you too then?"

I wasn't exactly the best person when placed in awkward positions.

Everything basically goes still after that, and I find myself staring out the windows of the shop, avoiding any conversation with him. I still needed answers, and I knew that, but I just couldn't find the courage in my heart to ask him. The overwhelming fear of embarrassing myself was existent, and I couldn't avert it, neither could I face it head on. So the best choice was to keep quiet and try to contain these feelings.

Someone just had to break this silence. It was ever-so choking me and I felt breathless.

"You know—"

Both of us start at the exact same time, and stop at the exact same time when we realise the other party is also saying something.

"Violet, you can go first," he says, pulling the beanie off his head before smiling at me.

I don't say anything but start immediately. It wasn't as awkward and I would much rather save the conversation rather than sit in an everlasting silence for a duration of time.

"As I was saying, I've actually really wanted to know more about this. Why did you decide to order a vanilla latte? It's been bothering me quite a bit."

"It's none of your—" He starts, but I interrupt him.

"Yes, it is. We're friends, aren't we. What could be so important that you just have to hide it? There shouldn't be anything to hide about your drink choice."

I don't know where that came from, but all I expect is for him to lash out at me with some kind of insult towards my prodding behaviour.

"We are friends and I guess I do have to eventually reveal to you, don't I? Let me ask you something, why is it wrong to go for something simple?" he asks.

"It's not," I reply, slightly confused.

"Exactly. Falls, simplicity isn't a sin. Learn to look and see beyond. Past that barrier that happens to block out most imaginations." he explains, and I can feel the gap between our face closing in slowly. 

"Like you, for example.'re so special. Even though you act like you have no emotions or anything, you do, it only takes someone to break that try. You're a simple person, with so much more. And that's just one of the many things I've learned to love about you over the past few days."

"You're not afraid to be curious, you're not afraid to not change to fit in. That hidden sadness behind you cheerful exterior just attracts me more to you. I'm so intrigued, and I want to find out more about you. I want to know you. I want to be part of your life...part of who you are. And for some reason, I won't stop till I am."

My emotions are everywhere, and we are only inches apart. I am so baffled by his words that it's reached the point where I'm just speechless...I don't know what to say. And I don't, but let him continue.

And there's this one other thing that affects me so much. It feels like I know you, Violet, as crazy as it seems. It feels like I've met you before, and I don't know when, but I know I have...and I've seen you in my dreams before. I just can't remember where from, and when I try to remember it hurts. They won't let me see past it. My dreams haunt me because I just can't remember."

Our faces are dangerously close right now, and my heart beats irregularly. I don't know if I want this. I don't know if I'm ready for this. If I'm ready for what will await me if this happens. So I choose the easiest method.

I get up, and I run away.


a/n: Please don't kill me, but I hoped you enjoyed it. So yes, they didn't kiss, I'm such a liar. : ) 

-Saf xx

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