3 - How Dare They!!!!!!!!

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I am in complete disgust.

Today I walked past a building with three signs hanging on a wall. Two of them on one side, and three on the other!!! I got SO furious that I immediately began screaming, and of course, then I fixed it.

But honestly, I think it may have messed with my whole week. It was going so perfectly, every building in my way was as symmetrical as possible, until today...

I need my gaze to fall upon something symmetrically beautiful until I shrivel up and die.

Liz, Patty and I are on a mission at the moment, so I cannot just visit my mansion and calm down a while.


I'm think that I'm going to go cry in a corner and at least try to think of a few things that will ease my mind........

Wish me luck, and stay symmetrical. 88888888

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