Albus and Rose

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Sorry forgot completely I'll update better!!!!*****
Both Ginny and Hermione were almost nine months pregnant. One day Ginny and Harry were both at 12 Grimmauld Place and James was at Andromeda's with Teddy their godson. At this point Harry and Ginny were snogging like no tomorrow and making out. O e minute they were snogging the next Ginny pulled away and screamed
"My water's broke!" There was a loud commotion in the house the next like, 3 minutes.
Harry grabbing their bag and sending four different patronuses to the Weasleys and their families at the hospital Ron,Hermione,Percy,Bill,Fleur,Molly,Arthur,George,Angelina,Fred ll, Molly ll and Victoria. All of a sudden, Hermione whispered something to Ron jumped up went to the reception desk and they took Hermione and left Ron behind. Ron was about to leave when Fleur asked on her french accent "'What 'as 'happened?"
"Hermione's water broke" said Ron and rushed away.
In the delivery room with Ginny and Harry

"Almost done Gin! One more push and it will be all over" encouraged Harry.
Ten minutes with a lot of screaming, A baby boy was born.
Ginny whispered something in his ear and let the family in the room and Molly asked what his name was they chouresed Albus Severus Potter proudly.
**********four days later
"James come here, your baby brother is here," called Ginny
James waddled in and Ginny asked if James had to be careful and let him hold Albus for a bit then they all went to bed exhausted.

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