First kiss in a hospital gown

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Maya's P.O.V
"AVA!!" I exclaimed , hugging her tight. "You're up!". Matt leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek . "Aww" I said , grinning . They both blushed madly . I'm glad that Lucas didn't see that , because he would strangle the kid. I ran out into the waiting room , dragging Matt with me . "Ava's up!" I exclaimed in short breaths . "Yay!!!!" Julia exclaimed . I giggled at her excitement. "She's awake?" Mae asked . I saw a tear roll down her cheek . "What's wrong?" I asked , picking her up. "I'm so happy." She said, letting more tears fall. "awww" I said , hugging her close. Afterwards , Mae ran off to go play with Benjamin . Then Lucas ran over to me and hugged me. Ranger Rick hugged me. Then it happened in slow motion . He leaned in , and he kissed me. On the lips. I stood there , shocked. I didn't know what to do . "Not bad, Ranger Rick." I said "Not bad at all." . Then Riley ran over to me , squealing . "MAYA!!". Oh no. "He kissed you!!" She exclaimed . "Lucas just kissed you and you have no reaction ?!" . I stay in my position. "Oh you're being cool." She says , grinning . "Why won't you rub off on me?!". I smile . She hasn't changed at all. The doctor comes back. "Ms friar will be free to go tomorrow. will any family members volunteer to stay ?" He asks . Lucas raises his hand . "The rest of you may go home." I can't believe it . Ava is okay.

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