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Not really much of a lesson, but a bus journey to London. Why? Les Mis. As you may have guessed, you're smart, me and several others are going to watch it. In a theatre. In London.

It'll take about two and a half hours from now, since I've been reading fan fiction for the last however many minutes and Lizzy is sat next to me watching Glee. Every so often she will stop and show me parts like when the principal woman gave weird nicknames to the prom queen nominations like 'Neck-brace Cheerio' and 'Asian No.1' or when Demi Lovato kissed that other girl.

She also said I look like Rachael (from glee, not just some randomer) because I wear skirts and knee socks and have a 'Jewish nose'. What does that even mean? I'm fairly sure it's racist. Lizzy's weird.


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