Part 1: Singing in the Rain

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    As a newcomer here in the Smash Tournaments, I try my best to get along with the other fighters, and mabye learn a thing or two from them, such as old techniques, used or unused anymore today, the history of this Universe or simply the gags that the other fighter pull at each other,like, ALL THE TIME. So far, living in the mansion has been great! I even became close pals with popular fighters like Mario and Sonic.

Although, there was this one fighter who i found to be....odd isn't the right word...quirkily interesting (if that's even a word)

The two-dimensional Mr. Game and Watch.

Now, i don't know much about this guy, but from what i've heard, he isn't the most likable fella. First of all, he was really weird, physically and mentally. He moves around in frame-by-frame choppy 2D animation, and he dosen't really talk. He beeps. And Blips. And nobody can understand him but me, though I'm not really sure why, but Dr. E. Gadd said it could be possibly because i'm nearly as old as he is and i was once also a flat, 2-D character who could say nothing but "waka  waka". Oh the memories...  Anyway, another thing that makes him dislikable is because he gets cranky quite often. It's not really obvious, but you can tell if he's cranky when he puffs out static steam out of his system, raises signs with 1-9 numbers on them (9 being 'i want to kill you so bad now', and where and how does he get them anyway?) and most of all, the beeping. The very loud beeping.

In short, nobody really likes Mr Game and Watch, save for the more quiet smashers, such as R.O.B and Olimar. Now, like i said before, i'm trying my best to get along with everyone, so i don't think Mr GW has gotten into my nerves. Yet. Although recently, he's been looking at me from a distance and it's kinda getting creepy now....


It was raining during lunch time, and everyone was finishing their dessert. I sat next to Mario and Sonic at the long table, though i could't help but notice Mr. GW sitting across me, trying to communicate with Olimar by writing to each other on paper. I guess they need some way to comunicate. Soon, all of us were finished with our meals.

"Thanks for the food!" Everyone said. No sooner than the moment people started to get off their chairs, Mr GW dashed for the door and head outside under the rain. Despite the funny looks by almost everyone, Mr GW didn't take notice and instead started beeping a musical tune under the rain. He looks so happy there....

Me and Olimar stood outside under the roof where it's still somewhat dry. We stood there for a while until a Blue Pikmin tugged on Olimar's space suit.

"You want to play outside too?" The captain asked, and the little guy nodded.

"Go ahead, and don't forget to bring the other Blue Pikmin!" He said as the Pikmin ran off.

After a moment of silence, Olimar was the one to break it. "It hasn't rained i  a while has it?" He said

"Huh? Oh yeah, it really is refreshing isn't it?" I tried making small talk while enjoying the rain. We both were observing Mr GW who was still frolicking in the rain.

"You know, despite his strange 2D mentality and his seemingly dislikable attitude, Mr Game and Watch is actually a very kind and simple man." Said Olimar in his Fatherly tone.

"Why did you say that all of a sudden?" I asked, because somehing like this just seemed out of the blue.

" I'm saying this because i believe that you could be the awnser to Mr. Game and Watch's problems Pac-man. You may have noticed by now, but it seems like Mr. Game and Watch has taken interest to you." He said in a more serious tone.

This reminded me of the time when i was at the Waiting Room for my first fight against Mr GW on For Glory. being the nice guy i was, i intoduced myself to him and tried having a conversation with him. but, even though i could somehow understand him and he seemed really enthusiastic about the conversation, a talk about juggling balls isn't....really my thing....

"What's wrong with him anyway?" i asked, even though Mr GW himself dosen't seem that much right...

"He's...confused. confused about our world. the three dimensional world. You may have known that Mr Game and Watch comes from a 2 Dimensional world- the Superflat world. The Superflat world is a world where time seems to stay in a halt, never changing within the times, always the same. So much, in fact that when Mr Game and Watch first received the invitation to the Melee tournament, nobody in Flatzone had any idea what the letter was talking about. When he first arrived in the Smash Universe, he was shocked to see the drastic changes between him and his surroundings, but most notably, the people around him. He was facinated by the things around him, yet so bitter about how the other fighters were able to adapt with the times and grow better, unlike him. This is why he was always so bitter around the other fighters. Well, except me and R.O.B. During this time, he was so mixed with different, new feelings, and was so confused with this place compared to his old one that he was never the same man again...."

We stood in silence as the rain kept pouring. By now, quite a few Blue Pikmin are playing and singing with that 2D guy.

"You know, you are actually a very fortunate fellow, Pac-Man, to be able to understand someone like him. Mr Game and watch, though seemingly grumpy, is actually a very kind and simple man deep down. Ever since he visited the Smash Universe, his prespective of thinking drastically changed, and now he does a lot of pychological and deep thinking. He may be also a little self-concious, or at least after the incident with the Subspace Emmisary."

The Subspace Emmisary. Two words that i've heard every now and then, and from what i've heard, Mr GW took a major role to their invasion, as his body was able to produce shadowbugs.

"Why did he want to help them in the first place?" i asked.

"Pac-Man, i am sure you know part of the answer to this? You lived nearly as long as Mr Game and Watch himself. If you had to describe video games of the past in one word, what would it be?"



"That's right. And for Mr. Game and Watch, his game were even simpler than yours. There wasn't even supposed to be a 'bad guy' in all those games. No, just everyday activities of those in Superflat world. Because of this simplicity, people in his world do not know the difference between Good and Evil. When it comes to the Subspace Army, all he wanted to do was help someone out. It was already instinct! But the outcome of it.... was something he deeply regretted."

The rain started to calm down, leaving some light rain. I noticed light was starting to shine among the clouds.

"Mr Game and Watch needs someone to help him understand about.....a certain something. Even I am not so sure what it is he is trying to understand, so i have tried talking to him but alas, he dosen't really heed my words. Who knows why?  Mabye because i did not originate from a 2D game and did not live as long as him, therefore not equal to him." Olimar finished his long speech, and turned around seemingly about to head inside, but stopped.

"But you Pac-Man... you nearly lived as long as him now, and have been in two worlds..."

The rain finally stopped, and Olimar blew his whistle to call all his Pikmin, as they rushed inside. A rainbow appeared in the sky, reminding us of a man who was a great leader once, and whom i'm sure is Directly watching us from the heavens.

Mr GW's happy smile seemed to have faded, and he seemed a little more grumpy now. He decided to go back inside, but not before stopimg and possibly "staring" into me ( i could sorta tell by his nose suddenly disapearing). After waiting for him to go in, i decided to go inside as well to do training for an upcoming match.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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