Chapter 6

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    (Grace's POV)

I couldn't believe what she was saying. This wasn't what she told me herself. "Hannah you can't be serious." I whispered to myself. "What'd you say Grace? I don't think I could hear the disbelief in your voice. So please say it again." Mamrie said in an annoying tone. I look up at Mamrie and stand up.

"I said you can't be serious. This is not what Hannah has told me. Mamrie can't you see she just doesn't want to hurt you." Mamrie stood up then and got right in my face.

"I'd watch whatever I say if I were you because-because." Mamrie stopped.

"Because why?" I asked.

"Because, I know how she feels alright. For the past few months I've known." Mamrie plops down in the chair I was sitting in and just starts to cry. Hannah goes to her and wraps her arms around Mamrie. "Who do you want Hannah?" Mamrie asks her.

"Mamrie I love you and-" Hannah starts but Mamrie interrupts her.

"Hannah don't lie to me or yourself. I've been with you for two years now so I'm sure I know when you're lying. Just please for the first time in a long time be true to yourself, and just tell me who do you want." Mamrie looks at Hannah and then sticks her hand out for me to grab.

"Mamrie. I love you and I have for every single day that we've been together, but I haven't been able to give you all of my love because... I'm in love with Grace." Mamrie sighed and stood up.

"Go Hannah." Mamrie opened the door.


"No Hannah. They say if you love something you have to let it go, and tonight I have been a royal female dog."

"Mamrie don't do this." Hannah was crying now.

"Hannah just leave before you make this any harder then it is." Mamrie was still holding the door open and I was trying to pull Hannah out the door.

"Mamrie please I love you." Hannah keeps crying and I pull her outside of the door. Mamrie nods at us and says, "Goodbye Hannah." And then shuts the door.

I drag Hannah all the way to my car and put her in the back seat. She curls up into a fetal position and starts to sob. I get in the car and drive off. The last thing I remember seeing is Mamrie standing at the window waving at us.

Another update, woo! Sorry if this made you sad. It's not over though so don't worry and in the next part there will be a time jump. I'm just giving you a heads up. Well I hoped you enjoyed this and thanks for reading you wonderful human you. Also tell me what you think. Ok so byeee c:

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