Thank you for saving me, my name is Logan

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Recap: so Amy was taking a nap on the bench, well trying to until she heard noised that kept annoying her so she decided to check the noise

" Can you guys please take it somewhere else, I am trying to take a nap here" I said

" well if it isn't miss I know it all," said one of the guys

"Hey, want to play with us," the other guy said and they all started to come towards me. One of the guys grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

" you better let me go," I said

" I don't think so," said one of the guys

I kneaded him in his balls, and he dropped on the floor the rest of the guys came after me, but I punched him in his guts, and he fell to the ground too, the next guy tried to punch at me, but I dodged it and side kick him on the side. I didn't notice the rest of the school was watching me. Great just I made another show, great. I turned around and headed to my car, I was so pissed and I had that stupid dumb ass that was getting bit up following me on top of that.

" what do you want" I said

" I just wanted to say you are so freaking cool" a random guy

"Whatever, now can you either leave or come with me cause right now I need to get out of here," I said

"Sorry, but thank you so much for saving me," he said while getting into my car. I took off to the beach. I got out of my car and walked around the beach. When I was done I went back to my car to find the boy who was getting bit up.

" don't you have anything better to do with your life, than follow me" I said

" I don't mind," he said

" What is your name by the way," I said

" My name is Logan, I live right in front of you" Logan

" name is, " I said

" Amy, I know trust me, you're like number on the popular chart, and Katy and her minions are  not happy about it," said Logan

" I don't care about buckle up," I said

" yes ma'am," said Logan

I put my car into the first gear and then took off, it was a quiet ride, because every single time Logan opened his mouth, I turned up the radio some more. We got to the gate and the gatekeeper opened for us. I parked in the driveway and got out. I went to the house and then all of a sudden Logan was right behind me.

" seriously Logan, don't you have to keep following me, your house is like right over there....and I think you're safe from the bullies," I said while going to the fridge to get some water. I threw him a bottle too. We headed to the game room, I wanted to play some Black Ops.

" cool, you play black ops too," Logan said

" yeah, now can you please either shut up or take the controller and play," I said while taking a sit by the bean chairs. Logan took a sit beside me and started to play. We played for about 2 hours then all of a sudden Jason walked into the living room with a box of pizza.

" what up Amy.....and geek dude," said Jason

" hey douchebag and geek dude got a name and it is Logan," I said walking up to him and taking a slice of pizza. Logan did the same, we all started to play against each other. We played for about 3 more hours, and then Jason got a text.

" you guys want to come to the Beach Spot," Jason asked

"Are you kidding me, we would love to, wait until the guys hear about this....I Logan Smiles going with Jason to the Beach Spot" said Logan

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