Destination Unplanned

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Jade was a travelling antelope

She wanted to see strange lands

She has been all over America

Seeing loads of different rock bands

She came from a reservation in Africa

She lived there until she was grown

She would have stayed if not for a radio

And the great music it had shown

She has painted her hooves really funky

They are now green yellow and red

She wears a scarf of the same colours

And a band tied round her head

Her ambition was to play drums

She had practised on a coconut shell

It sounded pretty good

But she needed an audience to really tell

So she crashed a concert in Denver

She just stumbled upon the stage

She started to crash and hit the drum kit

She was on a heavy metal rampage

The audience seemed to love her

She was really having a blast

The singer just kept on screaming

It was all over way to fast

Jade was enjoying all the attention

She was happy she had finally played in the band

So she packed up all her belongings

Ans started walking to a destination unplanned....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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