Chapter 11

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Daves POV

1...2...3! I close my eyes. I start crying.

"I-I can't do it. I'm to weak.."

"Dave where are you!" I hear John call. I hear him walking around and he goes to the window.

"Dave are you on the roof?" I don't say anything I just remain silent. I hear him climbing up.

"Dave why are you crying? Why are you on the roof?" I remain silent, sitting by the edge. He walks over to me and sits next to me.

"You were going to kill yourself weren't you.."

"I'm sorry John. Jade was the only person I loved. She loved me back. We had so many good memories together and now she's gone." I started to cry again. I hugged John. I cry on his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay, Dave. How about we go back indoors and get something to eat?" I nod and we both climb through the window. He looks through the cabinets to find something to make.

"Since when do you know how to cook?"

"My dad taught me a bit. I'm not the best though."

"I thought your dad only knew how to bake."

"No he's usually cooking dinner for me, him and Jane. There are some days when he gets out of work late, so me and Jane switch off cooking dinner for each other. Sometimes we have cook offs."

"Dirk never taught me how to cook. We usually ordered pizza, or Chinese food. After a while I got sick of tasting the same thing over and over again. I guess it will be nice to have something different for once."

He continues to look through the cabinets. I'm guessing he can't find anything to cook with.

"Should I just order a pizza?"

"Yeah probably.." I get my phone and call pizza hut, order a pizza for us and put my phone away. I walk to the couch and I lay down, laying my head back. I put my arms over my eyes and start to cry again.

There's a knock at the door and I get up and I get up and open the door. The guy hands me the pizza. He kinda looks like eridan..

"That's gonna be 4.50." I hand him the money and he takes it from me.

"You look kinda familiar. Do you have any brothers?"

"Yeah I havwe a little brother named Eridan."

"What's your name?"

"Cronus Ampora.."

"Wait you're Cronuse? You're Kankri Vantas's boyfriend?"

"Hovw do you knovw Kanny?"

"My girlfriend, was kidnapped by his brother and Kankri helped kidnap her!"

"Vwait.. Kanny kidnapped someone? God dammit! I told him to nevwer do that again!"


"He did it to me a vwhile ago.. He nearly fuckin' killed me.. He evwen raped me.."

"Holy shit. Dude I'm so sorry."

"I tried to break up vwith him but if I do, he's gonna kill me.. Anyvways, I gotta go. Havwe a great day."

"You too." He waves and walks away. I close the door behind him. I walk back in and put the pizza on the table.

"Wow you were talking to that guy for a while. What were you talking about?"

"That's Karkats older brothers boyfriend, Cronus Ampora."

Book 2: Jade Harley [Sadstuck]Where stories live. Discover now