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Hello all. How are you? So I know I haven't updated in a while (although the wait was shorter than last time) 


Alicia POV

I awoke at dawn in an unfamiliar room. 'Where am I' I wondered before remembering the events of the night before. The guest room was simple, nothing but a white bed, a lamp, a bureau, and a bathroom. Walking into the bathroom I found something that I never thought I would miss, a shower. I stepped inside the steamy water, scrubbing away the grime from the day before.

A fluffy white towel hung on the towel rack when I turned off the water. 'Those weren't there before' I thought, grabbing one and wrapping myself in it. Making my way over to the bureau I opened it to inspect what was inside. Unsurprisingly there hung a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, and underwear that were just my size. Closing the door, I pictured a different shirt in my mind before opening it again only to find the shirt I had imagined. 'There's no one in here so that means there's probably a spell. The room hasn't tried to kill me yet either so it's probably some kind of hospitality spell. I wonder who cast it.' I mused as I dressed. After throwing on my shoes and grabbing my spoon from the clothes pile in the bathroom, I stepped out into the hallway and made my way to the kitchen.

Through the door, I could hear someone making something inside. I froze when I saw exactly who was cooking. Sadie.

"Oh hi." She beamed at me

"Hi" I replied cautiously

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything. Actually, that's why I'm here. I wanted to apologize so I made you something." She said holding up a large bowl of rice pudding and placing it in my arms.

"Oh, umm... thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiled before leaving.

I stared at the contents of the bowl until an idea popped into my head. Grabbing a smaller bowl and a couple of spoons, I almost ran to Kage's room. Before I had the chance to knock, a tired Kagekao emerged from his room.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I came to bring you this." I said showing him the dessert. "Sadie made it to apologize so I decided to share it with you."

"For breakfast?"

"Why not?" I replied with a grin

"Come on in then." He said backing up and welcoming me in.

Setting the food onto the floor I sat down and motioned for him to do the same. Using my wooden spoon I put half into my bowl and handed him the original.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday. It was uncalled for and I ended up pushing you away." Kage said as he stared at his bowl

"It's okay, now let's dig in okay?" I began eating spoonful after spoonful until my bowl was empty. "Hey, this isn't bad! Sadie really knows how to cook!" I smiled until I heard a crash. Kage had dropped his half empty bowl, his skin was drenched in sweat, and he clutched his head in agony. Leaving my own bowl forgotten, I tried pulling him to the bed when he began throwing up.

"Kage, what's wrong?" I asked when his vomiting died down. He didn't answer but I couldn't ignore the way he writhed on the bed. Checking his heart rate, I found it to be slower than normal.

"I'm going to be right back okay? I need to go get help." I told him before bolting downstairs and into the dining room where Jeff and Slenderman were eating.

"What's wrong?" Jeff asked

"It's Kage...he needs help...he's dying." I panted.

"Jeff, go get Eyeless Jack. NOW" Slenderman yelled. Jeff simply nodded and took off. Together, Slenderman and I ran back to Kagekao's room.

"What happened?" he asked me

"Sadie made me rice pudding and I decided to share it with him but when I finished my portion he was like that." Slender approached the fallen rice pudding and dipped a tentacle in.

"Cyanide poisoning," he explained. Soon after, Jeff entered with Eyeless Jack in tow.

"What's going on?" Jack asked

"Cyanide." Slenderman replied. Jack simply nodded before giving instruction

"What's with all the noise?" Ben asked as he came through the door hand in hand with Sally

"Slenderman, I need Hydroxocobalamin, I have a kit in my lab. Jeff, go with him and grab the big container of 0.9% Sodium Chloride and syringes." He ordered. Slenderman grabbed Jeff and together they vanished only to return a short while later with the necessary items. Quickly, Jack administered the I.V. fluids and Kage began to still.

"So what happened?" Ben asked

"We were eating rice pudding and all of a sudden he was like that." I told him calmly. On the inside though I was a mess, I just wanted to curl up next to Kage and pretend this never happened. Instead I picked my wooden spoon off of the floor.

"How did you manage to not end up like him then?" Jack looked at me angrily

"It's complicated."

"Then un-complicate it!" He yelled back "My friend almost died and I want to know who tried to kill him!"

"I'm immune."

"What kind of an idiot do you think I am!?"

"Jack, calm down." Jeff said trying to deescalate the situation

"Fine then, prove it." Jack growled. Without any other choice, I scooped up a spoonful of the uneaten rice pudding and ate it.

"You said Sadie gave this to you correct?" Slender asked after I showed no symptoms. 


"House meeting in the living room. Now!" He said before stalking off.


Every creepypasta that resided in the house, except Kage, sat in the living room together.

"Why is there a house meeting at 8:30 in the morning? It's too early for this." yawned Laughing Jack

"Earlier this morning, Kagekao was killed." Slenderman told us, a collective gasp came from those of us who weren't there to witness Kage almost dying.

"So he's dead?" Sadie asked tearfully.

"Yes," Slenderman replied. Standing, Sadie walked dangerously to where I sat between the two Jacks before slapping me across the face. I didn't react, I couldn't. I felt hurt...betrayed. She had given me the rice pudding and I knew it wasn't to kill Kage. Sadie loved him; it was me she wanted dead.

"It was her, it had to be. She's always been with him, probably just waiting for the perfect opportunity to put cyanide into his food." She seethed. Suddenly, Slenderman's tentacles lifted her off the ground while another gagged her.

"I never mentioned that he was poisoned, nor did I speak of cyanide. You Sadie Serenade have attempted to kill a member of this household and as a result, you are no longer welcome here." He declared before setting her down and watching her leave. "The rest of you are dismissed"

My cheek still burned from Sadie's slap. I walked without any particular direction and found myself back in Kage's room.

"Alicia," I turned to see Slenderman looking sheepish. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I lied as I entered the room. Taking off my shoes, I crawled into the bed and curled up next to Kage. When he began to turn, I looked up to see if I had woken him. Instead I felt his arm pull me closer until I was pressed against his warm chest. Finally in a place where I felt safe, I let my tears fall. Tears of fear, relief, rage, and sorrow slowly slid down my cheeks as I buried my face into Kage's torso. Like Laughing Jack said... it's too early for this.

Alright, like always, I hope you all liked it! Please leave a comment in the comment section! :-)


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