Meet the Female Pyro

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm. You groaned as you reached over lazily and turned it off. Once it stopped beeping you sat up and stretched out your limbs as you let out a soft yawn. You then threw the covers aside and for out of bed and looked at the clock, yep it was exactly 4:08 am. It was ceasefire so this means that you have the whole base to yourself, well until your Uncle Dean or as he's known as Soldier wakes up later at 5:00 am. Yes, that extremely strict man that usually barked out orders to you and the rest of the RED Team was your uncle. But he had a soft side for you and he was strict with you but he loved you and cared for you very much. You smiled softly as you then opened your nightstand drawer and took out your brush and started brushing your messy [h/l] [h/c] hair. After you were finished you grabbed a towel and your favorite bar of soap and walked into your private bathroom that was attached to your room and closed and locked the door behind you. A few minutes later you came out and quickly dressed yourself in your workout clothes, grabbed your mp3 choker and walked out of your room, closed the door, jogged downstairs and took out your water bottle. Then you headed outside and started stretching. Once you were finished you put in your earphones and put on your chocker and put on the song Centuries by Fall Out Boy and started running away from the base starting your morning run.

A hour and a half later timeskip because I'm lazy as hell

Once you arrived back at the base you were panting heavily. You sat down on the ground and crossed your legs and let out a sigh of exasperation. You opened your bottle of water and started gulping it down until the bottle was empty and once you finished it you let out another sigh but this time of relief. After a good five minutes of sitting there and Just catching your breath, you slowly stood up, dusted off and walked back inside and you were met with both Soldier and Engie (Marshall) they both noticed you and paused they're conversation and smiled over at you and simultaneously said "Good morning [y/n]" you smiled and said "Morning Uncle Dean, morning Engie" You said as you then told them you were going to take a shower and then come back and they just nodded and continued they're conversation as they drank they're coffee as well. You quickly went upstairs and went into your room grabbed your towel again and also grabbed your [f/c] tank top and some shorts and then headed into the bathroom and then locked the door behind yourself.

Timeskip to when the rest of the team was up and it was about midday because it's late and I'm lazy

You were currently in the living room playing COD: Black Ops 3 with Scout (Jake) and you were kicking his ass at it since you were playing as a sniper and each time you gave him a headshot you would smirk and say with an Australian accent "Boom...Headshot" and this made Mundy (Sniper) proud of you as he and the rest of the team watched you two play and they all got amusement in watching Jake yell out in exasperation each time you totally pwned him and it amused you watching his angered face and total lust for blood, hence yours in his eyes. It kept going on like this for about an hour until he finally gave up and called a truce with you and then ended the game same as you. The first one to come over to you and congratulate you on your kill streak and making Scout rage quit was Francois (Spy) as he said "Amazing job on your win mon cheri" this caused you to giggle and smile at him and thanked him. Then not long after Mundy came up to you and smiled at you as well and said "I'm mighty proud of ya sheila, you are better sniper than me when you play" you blushed lightly at the compliment and thanked him as then Misha (Heavy) came over to you and hugged you gently which you quickly return as he smiled and said "Leetle girl made tiny baby man rage quit, good job, heavy is proud" you smiled softly and thanked him as he then let you go as Jack (Demoman) came up to you to congratulate you as well "I'm awful proud of ye lass, ye made Jake turn as Red as a wee tomato and it was funny to watch" he said as you thanked him afterwards and he then left to go drink with Heavy. Your uncle and Marshall then came up and congratulated you to which you thanked them for and then last but not least came Rodrich (Medic) to congratulate you which made your heart flutter as a small blush sneaked it's way on your cheeks "Jou did a very gut job in beating Jake, Frau und it vas funny to see him act like such a cry baby" you twirled a lock of your hair around your finger while blushing lightly and smiling softly at him "T-Thank you Rodrich, I appreciate it" he smiled and placed a gloveless, gentle hand on your shoulder "No problem mine liebling" he said before removing his hand from your shoulder and walking of to find Heavy. You turned around and silently watched him leave with the russian man and let a small sigh leave your lips as you smiled dreamily to yourself as you thought 'God I wish I could tell you how much I love you' as you then sat down on the couch, picked up the book you were reading and continued on the chapter you left off on, all the while thinking of a certain german man that made your heart ignite with joy

Red Medic x Red Fem! Pyro! readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ