A New Scar For My Collection

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Your Dream POV:

You are currently 6 years old again.
You were walking around your old house looking for your parents. You then found your mother crying in her hands as she sat on the couch by herself. You frowned and sat next to her and hugged her.She gasped and then looked down to see that it was you. She just hugged you back while biting back sobs. You being the curious child you were, you decided to ask her "What's wrong mommy? Why are you crying?" She looked down at you and dried off her tears as she then took a deep breath and let it out before she started talking again "Well....Daddy ran into a accident coming back home from work...." You looked up at her as you had a confused look on your face "Accident? What kind of accident?..." She gulped back the lump that was forming in her throat and continued "It was a car accident dear....His car was hit by two others and....His car was wrecked....And he didn't survive the crash....Unlike the other two..." You looked up at her as your vision started to blur with tears "D-Does that mean....Daddy is?..." Your mother nodded and hugged you closer as you started crying saying "No! Daddy can't be dead! Who's going tell me stories or sing to me before bed? Who's going to cuddle with me at night when I'm crying after a bad nightmare?....Who's going to Play with me beside you on weekends?....I want him to come home mommy....Please....Bring him home!" She just stayed silent as more tears streamed silently down her cheeks as she held you close. You both stayed there crying for a long time before you passed out from exhaustion. Your mother noticed this and walked with you in her arms to your room to change your clothes into your comfy pajamas and then picked you up again and took you to her room and closed the door behind her. She took off her flats and got into bed. She laid you down first and then laid down next to your sleeping form and pulled the covers over the both of you and closed her emerald eyes. Your mother had green eyes and your father had [y/e/c] eyes. Your father had blonde hair and your mother had [y/h/c] hair. You looked a lot like your father but acted like your mother. You both just laid there sleeping together until the sun rose.

Two week timeskip:

There you were currently looking down at your deceased father. 'He looks so peaceful...' Is what you were thinking about at the moment. And even in death he still looked handsome. You didn't cry at the funeral reception, you just kept looking at your dad the entire time. Even when your mother put you down you were still by his side. You were a bit more closer to your father than to your mother as a child. You sighed as you remembered all the fun things he and you did together. Hours and hours passed and you just stood there, watching your father in his coffin. You then heard someone clear they're throat from behind you and you turned around and saw it was your uncle, Dean. You smiled softly as he picked you up in his strong arms and hugged you close yet gently. You loved your uncle from your dad's side, he might be strict but he's very sweet once you get to know him. You just kept hugging eachother for a while longer until he put you down and held your hand as he walked over to see his brother. He smiled softly as he then said "Wow Johnathan....Even now you still look good....I hope that god takes good care of you up there..." You smiled softly as you then walked back to where you were standing earlier next to your father and stayed there for the rest of the day until you fell asleep right next to him.

End of dream:

You slowly opened your eyes and were slightly blinded by the bright light that was above you. You then looked around the room and saw that you were currently by yourself in the Medibay. You looked down at yourself and saw that you were currently wearing a hospital gown and were strapped to an IV bag and a heart monitor that was beeping next to you. You decided to just lay there until Medic came back. You then heard the doors open and saw that it was Scout. He then gasped when he saw you were awake and then quickly ran out while yelling "GUYS [Y/N] IS AWAKE!!!!" A couple of times before you heard a huge smack and a loud "OW!" From Jake. You let out a small yet weak giggle when you heard that and then a bunch of rushed footsteps approaching the room. Amazingly the first ones to get there were Medic with Soldier behind him. You were then enveloped in a big yet gentle hug from your lover which you hugged him back weakly. After you two separated from the hug you heard a stern "Move maggot!" as Medic was ripped off you and then you were now being hugged by your extremely worried uncle. You hugged him back while smiling softly but you then felt his shoulders shaking which meant that he was most probably crying. He then looked at you as silent tears trickled down his cheeks as he then said "Don't you EVER scare ME like that again, do you understand me?!" This made you let out another light giggle before you kissed his nose and gently dried up his tears and said "Yes sir, uncle Dean" He then cleared his throat and nodded as he then smiled softly and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and then ruffled your hair gently and said "Good girl" He then separated himself from you as you were quickly brought into another hug by an equally worried Scout as he said "[y/f/n] don't you dare scare ME like that again! Do you know how worried and angry I was?! Mostly angry at that freaking Spy!" You smiled and kissed his cheek gently which made him blush lightly as you then said "I know, I mean I heard and saw you beat him to death before I blacked out, remember?" He then nodded and hugged you again "And I'll gladly kick his ass again!" You laughed lightly and looked at him "Well, you can go on ahead" He smiled and kissed your cheek gently while smiling softly as he then tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and walked back next to Sniper. Then after Scout came Heavy, then Engie, then Demo, Sniper and then Spy. You smiled softly and blushed as you felt loved by how much the Team cared about you. You then turned towards Medic and asked him "How long have I been out Doc?" He then cleared his throat and said "Jou have been out cold for two days, Frau" You were shocked to hear that and sat up in bed as you asked "Two days?!" He nodded and said "Ja....Zhe knife buried itself deeply into jour back, but not deep enough to actually get near the spinal cord. Und as for zhe scar on your back....My medigun vasn't able to heal it completely....I mean zhe vound is closed but the scar vill still be zhere....I'm sorry" You sighed and laid back on the hospital bed and said "It's just a scar, nothing serious" You then mumbled to yourself "Just another one to add to my collection I suppose...." He then asked you "Vhat vas zhat, Frau?" You then replied "Don't worry about it, it's nothing....Just thinking out loud I guess..." You then looked over at him and asked "Can I get out of these things now and go back to my room?" He then nodded before shooing everyone out of the room in German which made you laugh. He then closed the door behind him and locked it so no one peeped in. He then did a few tests on you and unplugged the heart monitor from you which made it make a flatline sound. He then turned it off and took the IV bag off of you and put a small piece of white cloth where the needle used to be and told you to keep your elbow folded. He helped you out of the bed and went into his office to get the clothes that he had for you just in case you woke up. He also brought you some soap, a sponge, your favourite brand of shampoo and conditioner, your hairbrush, toothbrush and deodorant. He then led you to the shower that he had in the medibay and closed the door behind him. He set up a warm bath for you and helped you out of your hospital gown and into the tub. You sighed in relief as you let the warm water caress your skin. He kneeled down next to you and rolled up his sleeves. He then grabbed the soap and sponge he got for you, wet it in the water and applied it on the sponge. He then looked at you and politely asked "May I?" You giggled softly and nodded, giving him permission to wash your body. He started off by lathering your shoulders and as he was doing that he was giving you a massage and noticed how stiff your shoulders were and added a bit more pressure which made you let out a soft moan at how great he was with his hands. He then continued to lather and massage you body until he was finished. He then grabbed the shampoo, squirted some on his hands and started applying it too your scalp. His fingers were firm but gentle. You basically purred as you melted more and more into his magic touch. Once he was finished applying shampoo twice and then the conditioner. You were half way to dreamland. He rinsed you off and drained the tub. He then wrapped your body in a plush towel and picked you up into his arms. He then walked over to the hospital bed in the medibay and placed you on the there as he started dressing you. He was being so sweet for doing this. You had to come up with a way to thank him. Once he was done you basically just tackled him into a hug and kissed his cheek over and over again happily. He was blushing bright red while smiling and laughing. He then picked you up bridal style and kissed you sweetly to which you happily returned as you also wrapped your arms around his neck. After a while, you both separated from the kiss and you rested your forehead against his while smiling and looking into his blue/grey eyes as he looked into your [e/c] eyes. He then said "Ich liebe dich~" You blushed lightly and replied "I love you too darling~" You then kissed his nose and he then placed you down on the ground and intertwined his fingers with yours. You squeezed his hands and followed him out of the medical bay and into the living room where the rest of the team was waiting. You were met by smiling faces. The rest of the team walked over to you and did a huge group hug and you heard a lot of "thank you's" from them and "We all love you [y/n]" and many other complements. You were basically in tears as you currently felt so loved by your team that it was overwhelming. You buried your head on your lover's chest as they continued to hug you. You had a feeling that this was the start of an amazing day.

Red Medic x Red Fem! Pyro! readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora