Part Two

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The Maze (Pt. 2)
I began slowly speeding up the car and watched the thing sitting in the back to make sure it didn't move. Once i hit about 80 i swiftly through my arm over Malisha's chest and slammed the breaks. I slammed my head on the stearing wheel and that freak flew out through the windshield, when i could see staight i noticed that the thing was still twitching. So i grabbed the gun my friend had in his cars glove box, got out of the car and began to walk towards the freak. When i got to him i put my gun to his head and pulled the trigger untill i heard a click. Then i kicked it and made sure it wasnt going anywhere, i then went back to the car and put the gun back, looked at Malisha to make sure she was okay and began to drive again making sure to run over that thing.

When i got back to my friend CJ's house my brother Logan was there interrogating CJ trying to find out where i was. Due to the busted up forehead and infected cuts on my back i stumbled into CJ's house with Malisha's help. Then began to explain everything to them both.

"You're going to the hospital," Logan instantly stated.

"No..we are going back to that maze, me you and CJ," i told him mater-o-factly, "We are gonna go kill every freak in there and find out who owns that place and put a bullet in them too," i finished.

"What about me?" Malisha asked

"I'm not taking you back there," I said.

"Why am i going??" CJ pondered out loud.

"It's your car," i said. Then we took Malisha home and went back to the maze. Entered and i again ran my fingers along the wall but instead of feeling solid it was covered in a thick liquid. Black and tar like.

"Gross.." i mumbled. Then we began walking deeper into the maze.

"Should we split up?" Cj asked curiously.

"No," i said. But then Logan insisted on it as well. "Fine." I agreed and we all slit up going in different directions.

After a while of wandering i felt a bit of a breeze that sounded like it was carrying a faint scream, followed by gun shots.

"One of them found one," i thought out loud. Then i heard more screams that suddenly stopped. Whoever had found one hadn't killed it. I closed my eyes for a second and looked down sadly only to feel a presence behind me. I turned and saw one of those freaks and instantly began to unload at it. When ot dropped i got on my knees ontop of it and started pounding its face in untill i hit the floor underneath.

"Donte!!!" Logan cried not knowing if i could hear him or not

"Yeah im here!!!!" I shouted back, "Where are you?"

"In what looks like a camp." He replied.

"Dont move," i said then managed to find him, "So that means it was Cj that they got then.." i said quietly

"What?!" Logan asked confused. So i told him what i had heard and he shook his had sorrowfully. I patted his back and then heard something around the corner.

"Stay here," i denanded then went around the corner to see nothing. But when i turned around i saw something walking toward me, "Logan?" I asked but got no answer. So tried again but still nothing. When he walked pasted a little light source i could tell it was him..but he had turned into one of those things. Tears filled my eyes and i pointed the gun at him. "Dont..dont make me do this. Im not dying here but i dont want to have to shoot you either Logan. Stop walking towards me please!" I said with tears streaming down my face. But he didn't stop. He walked up to me untll his face touched the barrel of my gun. And i pulled the trigger. He dropped to his knees and so did i. His head fell onto my shoulder and i shot him again in the chest. He was done. Gone. I layed him down gently then began to bawl. Coming here was a mistake and it costed me one of my closest friends and my older brother whom i had to kill myself. I layed next to him and cried.

The next thing i knew i was in a padded room. They said that Malisha had found me in Cj's house laying next to both of their corpses mumbling something about a maze and crying about my brother dying. They said i suffered some sort of violent delusion. That i snapped and that i wasnt of any sort of right mind when i did it. The only thing that they couldn't explain were the scars on my back. Nasty looking scars caused by huge gashes of some sort. Broken glass they said. Most likely from the windshield of the car i crashed into Cjs house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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