How you found out

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Jensen~ jensen was gone filming and you weren't feeling well at all in the mornings so you decided to get a pregnancy test and sure enough you were pregnant. You were so excited.

Jared~ jared was out with jensen and misha. You were sitting on the couch and you remembered you forgot to take your birth control pill for the day. So you went to the bathroom to take it and realized that you forgot to take it when you and jared made love. So you took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

Misha~you and misha were at home watching a movie and you felt like you were going to throw up. You went to the bathroom and threw up. You looked at your birth control case and you didn't take it the week before. So you asked misha if he used protection and he didn't.

Mark~ you were at the doctor and you had to give them a pee sample and they tested it and you were pregnant

Matt~ you missed your period so you took a pregnancy test and it was positive

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