Dan Howell Rant

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So I am going to be ranting to y'all about Daniel James Howell. So basically I have noticed that he has gotten really, really skinny in the pas few weeks. And I know that he went vegan, but going vegan doesn't get you THAT skinny. It's honestly worrying. He has also been Reblogging some depressing things. He also hasn't really been smiling recently. And honestly I miss the genuine, beautiful smile that used to be given to the fandom a little while back. I miss his genuine happiness. Something else that has recently been happening a lot is the amount of Phan being shoved down his and Phil's throat. I realize that the fandom has grown in the past two years and I realize that means a lot of new shippers are really excited and want to share their excitement but y'all need to understand when enough is enough. Yes I ship Phan so fucking hard but, I also understand that there is a big possibility that they are just best friends. All this shipping is just going to bring a gap between them and this is going to turn into 2012( and NOONE wants that. AT ALL) I understand that everyone's intentions are good, but too much will be an issue. I really care about Dan and I feel that he is really being stressed out and that stress is affecting his body. So please ease up on the Phan and if by some miracle someone close to Dan sees this, please make sure he is taken care of. He is someone dear to all of us danosaurs and we are all really worried. He was someone who helped me threw the darkest period of my life and it is now my turn to help him.
Edit-ALSO THE SECRET THING: guys leave him alone. If he doesn't want to tell us the secret then we shouldn't pressure him into telling us. Same with Phil. People who live together have arguments all the time and what they do during their free time is up to them. So please stop with the #whotoldthesecretandwhatwasit. It's really getting me annoyed.

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