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Shopping was awesome! I'm only saying that cause I got food. Zoe and I got back a little over an hour ago. I was basically in my room looking at the walls. Nothing interesting is happening!

Maybe I can call Nathan! I got up to a sitting position and called Nathan on Skype. I waited and waited and he never replied. I heard a small ring. I got up and went to the small desk and picked up my phone. 'Sorry I can't pick up I'm on a date.' I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and replied. (Nathan is in bold)
'Ayyyyyy ;)'
'Oh god'
'So who's the lucky girl'
'Her name is Britney she was in our science class.'
Oh her...
'Ohhhh Nathan has a girlfriend.'
'She's not my girlfriend ._.'
'Lol ok I'll talk to you later'
'Bye xx'

I smiled as I looked over the text. It instantly turned into a frown as I remembered he's going on a date with...her. I mean why? How? She's a brat. Let me tell you about Britney Holly. She's rich, pretty, and of course popular. You know Regina George? Well Britney is like a British version of Regina George. She is stubborn and gets whatever she wants. I personally don't like her. I don't like that Nathan is going on a date with her. I'm not jealous it's just I don't think she's the right girl for him. But I can't do anything about it since its his life.

Well I can call Chloe. Maybe she'll talk to me. I called Chloe but got no response. Huh, so my friends don't want to talk to me okay that doesn't hurt at all... Whatever. Who needs friends anyway. I have tumblr. I got my laptop and logged into tumblr. I just reblogged random things. I felt my phone vibrate beside me and turned to get it. 'Hey sorry I can't talk I'm busy.' It was from Chloe. I decided on not replying since I'll just be ignored. Well okay I guess my 'friends' have better things to do. I sound so selfish don't I.

I got interrupted from my thoughts as I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Zoe walked in. "Hey can I try out these new products I bought on you?" I looked at what she had on her hands and it was a bunch of make up. "Pretty please!!" I agreed since i knew Zoe would keep asking until I said yes. Zoe sat in front of me and did her 'magic'.


"Oh my god Ashley stop making your eye twitch." Zoe was currently putting eyeliner on me. My eye was twitching for some random reason. "I don't know how to make it stop!" "Well try." "How?" "I don't know just do something about it or your eyeliner is gonna get all messed up." I finally got it to stop twitching. "Finally" Zoe said which made me roll my eyes...while having them closed. "Yay I'm done!" Zoe handed me a small mirror. "Wow I actually don't look bad." "Where you judging my make up skills?" Zoe said as she put a hand over her heart. I shook my head as I have her a short hug. Zoe was about to leave the room but asked what I wanted to eat. "Pizza!" "Of course you do." "Pizza is great." I said defensively. She chuckled at me and left the room. I went to the restroom and took off the makeup, cause it was making my face itchy. Once I got that done I went to my bed and laid down. I tried my best to keep my eyes open. I was slowly falling a sleep.


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