Chapter 7

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We are all on the bridge talking about Khan.

"Wait how long has Khan been out of his capsule?" Kirk asked.

"About a month and a week wait what?" Bones asked and I paled. Wait he been out of his capsule for 5 weeks and...oh no. This can't be happening no no no no no.

"Are you ok Emily?" Sulu asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I said while looking at the ground. I can't tell them and I don't even know if he really is the one who is stalking me I mean I can't really know until I meet the person.

"So how are we going to stop him?" I asked

"Well we have to know where he really is lass." Scotty said

"Ok so where do you think he could be hiding?" Bones asked

"I don't know." Jim said

"I need some air." I said and left the room. I took the lift to engineering to see Jerome. I just need to clear my head and I just need to talk to him.

"Hey Jerome can I just stay here for a while?" I asked

"Ok course whats wrong?" He asked

"Nothing is wrong I just needed to get away from the bridge for a while." I said and he nodded.

"So how come you came down here? Is it because you think that Khan is the one sending you those letters?' He asked and I look at him.

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"I know what's happening with you I saw those letters at your door." He said

"I don't know why he is doing this to me. I don't even know him." I said and started to cry.

"We will figure this out Emily don't worry." He said

"That's what Jim is doing right now but I'm really scared Jerome." I said

"As long as I'm here nothing is going to hurt you I promise." He said and he kissed my forehead.

"Emily you need to go to the bridge because I'm pretty sure that your brother is wondering where you are right now." He said and I kissed his cheek and went back to the bridge. When I got there Jim ran up to me and hugged me. I was really surprised and confused I was only gone for 5 minutes.

"Emily where were you? You were gone for 20 minutes." Jim said

"I was just talking to Jerome." I said

"The boy in engineering?" He asked and I nodded.

"Oh I see you like him don't you?" He asked

"Yeah we are actually dating." I said

"When did this happen?" He asked

"Last night." I said

"Well after this mess is over I want to meet him." He said and I nodded.

"Captained know where Khan is." Pavel said

"Where is he?" He asked

"You are not going to like this answer but he's in Emily's room." He said

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" Jim and I yelled at the same time.

"But now he's leaving." Sulu said

"Where is he going?" I asked

"He's heading here." Pavel said

"No!" I said

"He will be here in one minute sir." Sulu said

"We will face him." Jim said. I was starting to prepare for the worse because since I heard that Khan is dangerous and will kill without hesitation. The doors to the lift opened. Jim and I turned around at the same time and saw the one and only Khan standing there. Now it's time to get answers.

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