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I shot a Russian unicorn as I pirouetted through the celling. The dutches stared at me in horror, 'BROOM' she shouted before running out of the room, leaving a trail of rainbow skittles. As I rode off on my darlek I shouted "ZAZOOOM". Out of nowhere, my pet wombat appeared and i asked him, 'Where have you been Zazoom?' he said, 'Peeing on peoples graves - the usual.'

A goldfish called dingy was the cream potty of the week. Forgetting about flannels I got a hickey on the sole of my eyeball. Zaggryon was under attack, the balloon's dog ate the rumor then paddled away on his hover snake. The lightbulb of destiny hung on to the rabbit as golfish as he could, he finished the lap on hodge road and chocolate tower. The panda jumped off the bookshelf for a yuppingo bear sweet. I could hear the USB computer listening to her music, it was like an address book eating an egg.

The towel spoke. I anxiously headbutted the wolf then climed up the giant beanstalk. My iPad told me my beanbag looked happy. The pancake stood with the starpoland as the watched the toilet sink.

Now your probably thinking, She's a llama, and wombats cant talk. But I am, and they can. Deal with it. in a world of whipped cream, nothing is impossible - except straight A's.


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