one hundred things

178 5 1

tagged by JustAVicky and some other people

real name: i'd rather not say my birth name. but in real life, i go by ashton.

nickname: my friend matthew calls me his lil bro, and his wee lad. sylv calls me ashy.

favorite color: grey-blue

male or female: neither, im still trying to figure that out.

elementary: um

middle school: um??

high school: um???

college: um????

hair: short. blue. soon to be pink.

tall/short: short

jeans/sweats: jeans??

phone or camera: camera

health freak: lmao i couldnt care less about myself

oranges or apples: neither

crush: mitch grassi thanks

guy or girl friends: lmao does it matter??

piercings: one on each ear

coke or pepsi: no

ridden in an airplane: yes

have you been in a relationship: yeah

have you been in a car accident: almost

best friends: matthew, katie, liz, blaise, sylv, em, morgan, lots more lmao

first award: perfect attendance or something

first crush: a boy named eli

first word: man idk

talents: none lmao

last person you talked to: my dad, he wanted to watch steven universe with me

last person you texted: mmmorgan

last person you saw a movie with: inside out with my dad and sister

last thing you ate: subway

last TV show/movie you watched: parks and recreation

last thing you listened to: house of gold by twenty one pilots

last thing you bought: subway lmao

last person you hugged: my little sister

favorite food: uh anything sweet tbh

favorite drink: seven up

favorite bottoms: if it counts, i have an adorable pink skirt with cat leggings- i'd wear it everyday tbh it makes me look adorable

favorite flower: hydrangea

favorite animal: birds

favorite color: again...?? i like pastel pink

favorite movie: captain america- the winter soldier

have you ever fallen in love: yes yes yes

do you celebrate halloween: yes. i can wear a binder and dress however i want with no one questioning it

have you ever been heartbroken: yes.

have you ever gone over text limit: no

do you know if someone likes you: she tells me she loves me every night. i hope she means it.

do you hate people that change: no

have you ever been pregnant: no

ever had an abortion: no

what do you regret in your life: dating guys

have you ever broken a promise: yeah

do you hide secrets: lmao yes #growingupgay

do you pretend to be happy: more often than i should

has someone changed your life: yes yes

have you pretended to be sick: yes

have you ever left the country: lots when i was really little

have you ever tried new things: yes

do you cry over silly things: yes

have you ever ran a mile: yes

have you gone to the beach with a friend: i usually only go with my family

have you ever argued with a friend: yes

do you dislike people: not necessarily i'm just really shy and awkward

are you going to be single forever: i'm not.. single.. now..

currently eating: nothing

currently drinking: nothing

sitting or laying: sitting

plans for today: eat. sleep. catch up with liz.

waiting for: food

listening to: the tv in the background

want kids: idk

want to get married: yeah actually

travel: i'm in el paso rn, which is a while away from my home


lips or eyes: i like any eye color. i'll stare at your lips when you talk which probably means i want to kiss you

short or tall: doesnt matter. if you're tall i get to hug you and put my face in your chest, if you're short i get to kiss your head and hold you

younger or older: doesn't really matter

romantic or spontaneous: romantic

trouble or hesitant: ???

hook up or relationship: relationship

looks or personality: looks are great cause tbh it's the first thing you notice in a person.. but morally personality is more important. doesn't hurt to be good looking tho. just don't been an asshole. have a nice ass, don't be one

have you ever

lost your glasses: daily

snuck out: no

held a gun or knife in self defense: no

killed someone: no

broken a heart: ...i hope not...

been in love: currently. so yes

broken a bone: no

cried about a death: yes

do you believe in

love at first sight: yes

heaven or hell: no

santa claus: sort of

aliens: yeah, even if they're just little one-called organisms or bacteria or whatnot

ghosts or angels: ghosts yes angels no

yourself: no

do you think you have real friends: i hope so

tag people:

March-Hare IvanBBraginski DIE_EHRFURCHTIG_EINS LillianaKawaii JustAVicky and anyone who wants to can say I tagged them

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