Gruvia Shines

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I have no idea why I put the title like that but whatever. Juvia's outfit up top! Ok here we go!

Juvia sighed and fixed her hair, she quickly adjusted her outfit and walked out of her room with her bag.

She greeted her sister who sat at the table, eating breakfast. (AN: yes, I'm going to make her have a sister in here. Juvias parents passed away years ago so now she is taking care of her. Also: her sister is 21 and in college)

"Morning, Aqua" Juvia said. (A/N: not a very creative name I know but whatever)

Her sister mumbled an unclear response, she was a very moody girl. Even more than how her younger sister acted all those years ago, if possible.

Aqua started getting driven to school by a friend she made recently (a friend, who could have guessed!) and so Juvia had to take the bus. Not that her sister drove her to school before, they couldn't afford a car yet.

Juvia grabbed an apple and checked the time, 8:15?????!!!!! The bus leaves at 8:30!!

"Crap" she rushed out the door and didn't even bother with the elevator, it would take way to long.

She sprinted down the stairs, tripping a couple time but it was a good thing she wore blue sneakers today.

She ran out the door of the apartment and headed towards school. Juvia was getting closer when she spotted a well built figure up ahead.

"Gray-sama! Look out!"


Juvia blinked, huh, it didn't hurt as much as she thought it would. "Excuse me? Can you please get off of me?"

She gasped. Gray was right under her, she was pressed up against his warm chest and he had a strong arm wrapped around her waist, supporting her from hurting herself.

Juvia scrambled up, blushing like crazy. Gray was a very oblivious guy, he never really noticed her much but she didn't mind.

She held out her hand and he took it, her cheeks turned an even brighter red when she didn't want to let go.

"Um, you're...Julia right?" (A/N: Oooooh Gray *sigh*)

She felt a sharp pang in her heart but ignored it, not as if they ever really talked so it doesn't matter.

She looked down and fiddled with her fingers. "It's Juvia"

Gray looked at her surprised, "oh man, I'm sorry. That's a really nice name though"

Juvia's eyes sparkled as she slowly looked up into his dark, charcoal ones.

His expression started to change "sama??" he asked, confused.

She squeaked. Ohgodohgodohgodohgod. He's gonna think I'm just a weird stalker girl isn't he?

Juvia turned and sprinted to school. It was a perfect excuse, she's late for the bus to school anyways.

She always took the city bus to school since her house was to far away but it didn't seem likely that she would make it in time.

But then it occurred to her, if Gray-sama lives near me...wouldn't he have to take the bus as well? How come I had never seen him before when he moved in?!

She ran faster, but not fast enough. Up ahead she could see the bus pulling out and driving away. She stopped.

Oh no. Her sister's gonna kill her.

Then she started hearing panting behind her. "How *pant* do you*pant*run so fast?..."

She stared wide eyed at the figure before her, hunched down and taking deep breaths.

"Gray-sa-I mean, are you alright?" She asked.

(A/N: Be prepared for really really ooc Gray for the rest of the chapter, sorry bout that)

He finally calmed down and looked up at her "you know? It's not that I'm bothered I was just a little surprised, that's all"

She blinked. He's not weirded out?

"If I may ask, why did you give me that name?"

She looked down...again!

"Um, sama is a term you use for someone you care deeply about...and-um, you are a very important person to me Gray-sama"

He looked at her for a few moment and then he did the unthinkable, he laughed!!

She blinked away tears.

"That's what you were so worried about?"


He was looking at her with kind eyes.

"I don't have many important people in my life that care about me as much as you do. I don't know how or why but you saw something that no body else saw, the real me" he said.

Gray continued "all the girls expect me to be some sort of charming prince for their stupid fairy tale (pun intended) but I'm not!"

Juvia stayed silent, surprised at his outburst but happy. She was so happy.

She grabbed his hand and she pulled him along. They already missed the bus, what was the point of going to school?

He followed her, confused but kept quiet. When they reached their destination he gasped.

It was a beautiful pond with ducks, other birds, butterflies and more!

It was amazing but what caught his attention was the small waterfall on the right side of the water and on the left side there was a little stream leading away to who knows where.

Gray smiled.

"Um, Gray-sama?"


She hesitated, "how come I have never seen you on the bus before?"

"Well, my sister, Ultear, used to drive me but she just recently made a new friend so they drive to school together. I think her name was Aqua or something"

Juvia turned to face him, surprised. He saw her expression and jumped back, "what?"

She responded "nothing, nothing at all"


She sat down and he followed suit, Juvia stool some bread crumbs out of her purse and handed some to Gray. He took them and they fed the ducks together.

(A/N: I know it's really bad and illegal in a lot of places but I'm not gonna ruin the moment because of the law)

When the food was gone Juvia leaned her head against Gray's shoulder, enjoying the moment.

Her eyes were starting to close when she heard a twig snap.

"Minerva! Wait up!"

Juvia's heart beat sped up, what were they doing here?

Gray covered her mouth and pulled her behind some bushes to hide. They watched as Minerva came into the clearing, Sting and the rest of the band at her footsteps.

There were also two cats and one was dressed as a pink...frog?

Then Sting said something that made Juvia freeze on the spot. Her eyes widened in horror.

Oh god, please no.

"You can't blackmail someone into confessing, it's wrong!"

Ugh, I am so sorry. I think this chapter was okay. Really late though. It was really weird for me since in my other story Gray and Juvia have completely different personalities. If you have questions (which I hope you do) they will (hopefully) be answered next chapter. And remember to check out my other story 'Pull The Trigger' if you're a fan of Gruvia! Peace out!

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