Ch. 6

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Aradia sat in her kitchen munching on the popcorn she checked her phone No new messages still she fixed her gaze onto the time it was almost 7:00 she sighed picking up the bowl of popcorn about to throw it away suddenly hearing three knocks on the door she set the popcorn on the counter and practically ran to the door she stopped in front of the door collecting herself before calmly opening the door "2orry ii'm late ii got 2tuck iin teaffiic theiir wa2 an acciident on 140" sollux said as he walked threw the door setting his jacket and keys on the couch  "oh it's fine sollux" she smiled "so are you ready to get you pants scared off of ya?!" She shouted excited "2uuuuuuuuure we'll 2ee about that AA" he chuckled walking down into the den aradia quick grabbed the bowl of popcorn running down the steps and onto the couch sollux took a quick look around their used to be a love seat, couch and a matching recliner but now their was juts the chair and couch "look2 liike you diid 2ome redecoratiing" aradia sat on one side of the couch pulling a blanket on to her lap sollux sat at the other end watching the TV screen as she flipped threw Netflix picking the first movie
Couple hours later
They just finished their third movie sollux was still where he was aradia was wrapped in the blanket like a burito "wasn't that one freaky sollux!" She shouted putting the blanket so it covered her head "p2hhh they weren't nothiin here ii'll show you scary" he said flipping threw finding a specific movie and pressing play. Half way threw the movie aradia was practically hideing from the TV another jump-scare happened and she jumped into solluxs lap hideing her face into his chest sollux froze for a second before lightly stroking her hair. after the movie she was still clung to him "AA iI thiink iI should go home iit's probably gettiing pretty late" he checked his phone he had 7 new messages from kk shit he said under his breath before seeing the time jumping off of the couch aradia falling on to the floor "fuck iit'2 two AM iin the morniing" he ran around the den trying to get his shoes on "2hiit shiit shiit" "sollux calm down karkat will understand" she said calmly picking herself off of the floor and following sollux as he ran up the steps into the kitchen "sollux just calm down for a second  and take a deep breath" she said as he picked up his jacket and keys from the other room he stopped for a split second taking to what she said when BOOOM!!! Thunder shook the house solluxs eyes widened "kk" aradia looked at him puzzled "what?" Sollux ran out of the door and jumped into his car trying to start the engine "sollux! What about karkat!??" She questioned standing in the pouring rain as thunder boomed threw the sky "karkats terriifiied of Thunder " the engine clicked over and over failing to start "2HIIT!" He jumped out of the car slamming the door starting to run down the empty street "sollux what are you doing!?" Aradia yelled to him "ii gotta get home iI'll get my car tomorrow!" He yelled back to her sprinting down the road aradia stood in the pouring rain watching as sollux disappeared into the dark of night

Hi guys Mimi here I'm kinda out if data for the rest of the month so my updated may be a lil scattered but on the upside I may post more chapters at a time to its a plus and a minus at the same time haha XD so umm warning some chapters may be a little to alot on the NSFW side so I thought I should warn you ahead of time so ur not reading and it's just boom in your face but I will post a separate warning before I release the chapter but yeah umm if you don't like that sort of stuff please don't get angry with me and please take in mind that this will be my first stor uh being released with smut in it so it it's shitty don't be to harsh also since they are trolls I will be using tentabulge and nooks so yeah. I'll see ya in the next update
~Mimi-chan505 ♡ ♡ ♡

I WOULDN'T WANT IT ANY OTHER WAYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang