Chapter 1

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"Beep Beep Beep" my alarm was ringing on my phone.

"AHHHHH" I said as I got up and yawned
My mom yelled up the stairs "time to get ready Lexi, and hurry up before your food gets cold."

I went to my closet and grabbed blue high waisted jeans and a crop top that says love on it.

I got in the shower washed my hair and brushed my teeth. I decided to wear my hair naturally curly/wavy today.

I ran downstairs kissed my mom in the cheek and said "thanks mom" "no problem" she said in return.

There were eggs, bacon, grits, sausage, pancakes, mashed potatoes and fruit medleys.

I only took the fruit medley so I can eat it on my way to school. I got in my car and started to drive to my best friend Sarah Bleaklys house and pick her up. Sarah had blonde hair with highlights and green eyes.

"Hey Lex you got darker over the summer" she said as she got in the car wearing black high waisted jeans with a crop top that also said love on it. "Hey.. Yea I know...Great minds think alike" I said referring to the clothes. She smirked.

"Thanks again for picking me up while my cars in the shop"

"It's alright it fun to have someone in here with me I'm usually just bored."

We both smiled at each other.

We finally made it to school 15 minutes early.

"Wow that's a record!" I said
She laugh, Sarah has the kind of laugh where it's no loud and annoying it's the loud and cute one.

As we walked inside all we heard was screaming girls screaming because they see their friends they haven't seen in a while. We're walking down the hall to our lockers Sarah's locker is right next to mine like it's always been. As were walking I see Cameron Gonzales AKA "my boyfriend" with his friends by his locker. He is light skinned with brown curly hair with hazel eyes. He was wearing black pants and a plain blue shirt.

I walked up to him and kissed him on the lips interrupting his conversation.

"Hey" I said

"Hey bae" he replied

He pulled me aside and said "guess what's coming up the day before homecoming?!"

"Umm I don't know what?" I said with a smile on my face pretending I don't know.

"Our three year anniversary!!" He said with excitement.

"I know..I was just messing with you" I said laughing and gave him another kiss this time longer.

"Awe look at the cute couple!" Josiah (Cameron's best friend) said while making kissing noise. Josiah has dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Me and Cameron stuck up the middle finger at him and yelled "fuck off"

"Let's go!" I said to Sarah motioning toward our lockers

"Okay so, what is your schedule?" she asked me

History" I answered


"Cool lets go"

The first two classes flew by and before I knew it, it was 12:30 lunch time.

We walked to our usual seats and we were the first ones there. A few minutes later that's when everyone was here.

"Hey guys how was your first classes?"

"Boring" they all said in sync

I was quiet while I sat their and ate my salad eavesdropping on everyone's conversations Sarah was talking to Josiah about some after school thingy, Cameron was talking to Uriah Josiah's twin even though they were complete opposites and look different for the most part. Uriah had green eyes and blonde hair and was darker like a shade or two than Josiah. I couldn't really hear what they were saying so I stopped trying to listen.

Before I knew it school was over. Earlier in the day Cameron, Sarah, and I were invited to Uriahs house party.

"Uhh mom is it ok if I go out with Sarah and Cameron tonight?" I yell as I put my car keys on the hook.

"Yea just be home before midnight or atleast call if your staying the night at Sarah's and don't forget u have school tomorrow" she yelled back


I picked Sarah up at 7:30. She was so excited for tonight, she started yelling when we rolled down the street and then she got scared and started asking questions like "what if he doesn't like what I'm wearing? Or what if he doesn't even like me?" I kept saying "you'll be fine"

We were there early to help set up but Cameron beat us to it.

When we walked in Uriah greeted us first said "hi" and whispered in Sarah's ear "you look beautiful!"

Then she walked off with him and Cameron came up to me and kissed me passionately and said "you always find new ways to make me love you more!"

"I love you too" I said before I kissed him back


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